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Everything posted by 011001000110010101110010

  1. they should have done the jazz type R instead...
  2. Your right dave, they are tiny. Nice pics, where did he take off from in that one?!!
  3. Good stuff andy! When we riding next then ?
  4. Ben, I really liked that. Keep up the great stuff you to!
  5. g60 mk2 or g40 polo.... I am actually in love with the polo's...
  6. Holy shit, if Nick is gapping to where i think he is gapping them oh my sweet lord... Swish video. Need to meet up again soon.
  7. Sam you make me want to ride 20" again... Proper agressive big moves. Loving it.
  8. Silky lines dan, not just moves LINES. Top stuff.
  9. Then spend all your hard earned cash on importing parts for it when it goes wrong.
  10. Dude, read what he says, 7 hours.
  11. For what MBUK have done with trials and other mountain bike sports I am grateful. However simple because there is only every 2 (at least) dedicated pages to trials in it a month doesnt mean its not useful. I enjoy reading it and will continue to. I will not say that I enjoy all of every issue but thats simple my oppinion (I dont really want to know about the latest suspension forks) but in every issue there is something for everyone. Martyn, when I spoke to you in Salisbury I was amazed how much of a sound guy you were. Just because someone on a laptop is getting angry dosent mean that you have to waste you time on than one reply to them stating you view. Its just not worth it sometimes . Keep up the good work and I look forward to next months Hip Hop. Fred
  12. Sorry but in my eyes having the sticker but having not actually been there is just silly and reminds me of the bad boys in their corsas who found the track on the ps2. But once you have been then its all good
  13. Not my kind of thing but still forking impressive. Hooking a rail....
  14. Have you actually been the the Nurburgring then?
  15. Nice, shame about your tyre and rim choice though. Why not go for a pair of rhyno light rims?
  16. More of the Kloe penman I found.... holy shit
  17. Fr!ka's sister all over again. Anyone still got that pic?
  18. Wheeler needs to calm the fork down! Sweet pics 350D by any chance?
  19. Your damn right there boyo. I am a little annoyed that you cant tell us more....
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