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Everything posted by 011001000110010101110010

  1. Nick simply inserts a washer in his inlet to reduce the size down from 28mm to 15mm Then starts the car in ECU safe mode, its a bit juddery but 40 mpg no doubt!
  2. you been in my 106 yet oily? if not ill take you for a spin at chrimbo in a totally different world to the vtr.
  3. there are a set number of bmx moves eg. flip and whip and x up. When you can do all three you can then learn flip whips, flip x ups, x up whips, whip to x up etc. Trials isnt like that so much, street riding is more though however.
  4. I know its hard George, but like others have said you did everything you could. But I can imagine how hard it must have been for you.
  5. it also works if your a leftie you see it clockwise and if youre a righty you see if anti clockwise. Im a lefty so clockwise fo sho!
  6. Go, admit your guilty and explain you are aware of your errors. If you dont go you pay the price with much more points/fine.
  7. BMW M5 touring. take kids to school in record time...
  8. Drank 2 cans of relentless whilst doing my graphics work, paying for it now not being able to sleep...
  9. Wicked shots as usual dan, made it look like there was only us lot there! I really like the one of Bessel and Nick
  10. Cheers mate, smooth isnt a riding style is a mindset
  11. If you spec the smokers package you get a large ashtray if you dont you only get a small one and a storage compartment next to it. You get a cig lighter no matter what to power sat nav/phone chargers. My dad had the 130D M sport modle.
  12. quakers I saw you on monday at the station in oxford. Tut tut not buying a ticket!
  13. Top notch fella! I need to learn you some proper lines....
  14. The best. Wicked video. Im sure thats ripped from a dvd, but i cant remember the title!
  15. you call them bollards? Kin 'ell I hate to think what you rekon curb stones are...
  16. Paid for that already. Working for a year allowed me to do that.
  17. Cool vid! Damn those taps are getting high.... doesnt make you cool yet though!
  18. Cheers ben! Im sure me and wheeler will sort you out some dollar for the ride.
  19. Sick. see y'all tomorrow. Salisbury boys are coming to.
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