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Everything posted by JDStrials

  1. no, im currently using the standard six speed gears that come with the onza cleaner. but the chain going to the derailor (sorry about spelling)is at a different angle than from what it is being picked up by the front sprocket. would single speeding it potentially solve this problem? thanks for the reply Jack
  2. my chain is being thrown off the sprocket, i don't know for sure what this is, but the chain away from derialer is at a different angle from the angle the chain comes into the sprocket. its a bad description but can anyone help thanks jack
  3. i have found out what the problem was, my sprocket had bent in like three places and making the chain jump and come off. but i've only had the bike 2 weeks??
  4. thank you both, this keeps happening when im "pedal upping" things and jams and i crash thanks again Jack
  5. when I've been riding lately my cranks and chain lock. if i peddle backwards they go back to normal. This keeps on happening in the worst of places. its not the brakes, but I have noticed that the front sprocket is on a slight angle to the cassette. could this be the derailleur or due to slight angle of the sprocket thanks a lot Jack (im not having the best luck with this bike am I)
  6. thanks every on topic reply helps me
  7. hi im looking for advice on how to pedal kick and get into the postition and balance in the position. if any body can give me advice or know a video on youtube or a website it would be much appreciated Thanks Jack
  8. its the one that came with the onza cleaner, it just says onza everywhere
  9. well to get my front disks to lock in need to tighten the pads on the opposite side to the brake arm, and that makes it harder to pedal and i was wondering if any one new how to get it to lock and not have the pads very tight thanks for the reply
  10. HI as you may know ive bought an onza cleaner. i have trouble all previous bikes with disks. i always have to choose to have locking but harder to pedal or no front brake and quicker pedals. how can i get it so i can lock it and not have to work thanks
  11. Thanks for the quick reply. I also prefer magura, my old bmx had v's and they locked really well, but ill probably buy a cleaner
  12. i am considering buying the onza hitman or the Onza Cleaner. the cleaner has magura rear and disk brakes where as the hitman has v brakes. the cleaner has better cranks and pedals and the rims are drilled out. is it worth an extra £100 for all of these things thanks a lot jack
  13. I was out with friends yesterday (some where on 20" bmxs) and i couldn't make the transition from MTB to Bmx. Although i used to ride BMX all the time. So a 26" seem the only choice. I am getting this to try and improve my skills on my motor trials bike. as i am only to go on it maybe twice a week, so i can practise urban trials on my 26". Also i currently have the worst Bike in my "Crew" The OnZa Hitman is basically the OnZa Cleaner but with V-brakes and worse pedal cranks and well pedals Once again thanks for the fast replys
  14. thanks a lot Thanks for the quick replys
  15. Hi, Im a beginner on a trials push bike. I have rode a beta rev 3 and ive been on my mountain bike with tightened suspension trying to make as close to a 26" trials. I can wheelie, endo/stoppie 180 and bunny hop on that. I am Looking to buy a OnZa Cleaner from Rutland cycles. If anyone could share they're reviews of the bike i would be much obliged Thanks a lot Jack Sixsmith
  16. My friend has a Onza t pro 2007, he bought is new for £700, he'll sell it me for £300. is that a fair price and is the bike any good
  17. Hi, i'm new to trials bikes that have pedals, I usually ride a beta rev 3. I am looking for a good beginner bike to help practise when I'm on the streets. any help appreciated also is there any major differences between 20" and 26", are they for different things thanks Jack
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