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Everything posted by bing

  1. You have finally gone full gay lord with that phrase young Daniel
  2. Yes josh long time no see. How's it going fella
  3. He didn't get you bummed somewhere then?
  4. This is mine, from when we all went to the rugby World Cup in Leeds in september
  5. TFI Friday is the greatest tv show of modern times
  6. You are clearly having a laugh with thinking Manchester isn't f**king shit. f**king hate the place, along with Hull. The only two towns in the UK I actively avoid. Everytime I go to either of them something bad happens edit: probably not the place, more the people. Apart from Damon and Karl (dman), they are sound
  7. Yes it is. Anywhere past Worksop is the south. So there
  8. Meh teenagers. All annoying bastards. My 18 year old stepdaughter is just as bad, thinks the world owes her a favour and is full of emotional bullshit. And nowt is ever her fault. The world is full of c.unts, as soon as you realise this and deal with it, life becomes much easier
  9. 26x2.4 dual compound on one chunky monkeys. Basically a high roller 2. Insane amounts of grip in any condition. DH tubes, not embraced tubeless just yet
  10. New tyre shizzle. Got a pair of dual compound on one chunky monkeys for £25. 42a edges and 50a centres. Had a blast round pine on Monday morning, it was quite wet and claggy but the tyres were brilliant. Seemed to find grip almost anywhere
  11. It's a shame that the season had to end like that instead of being ended fairly, and Marquez was being a faggot by not overtaking Lorenzo. I'll just leave this here
  12. Had a good ride out with Andeee on mtb this aft. Did 25 miles. Muddy as f**k. Windy as f**k. Was a good laugh though! I've lost loads of mtb fitness though, purely from lack of riding. First proper ride on the el guapo as well, it didn't disappoint
  13. Mondrakers are prone to the swing arms cracking just behind the Bb, I know a few people who've had issues with them. And like @forteh says, the spec on the Rocky Mountain is better
  14. What on earth was Lancaster thinking taking Sam Burgess off. Worst decision of the game. And as for Cipriani not even getting picked, he needs to have go outside and have a word with himself
  15. So am I. Off to watch Italy and Canada at Elland road and then back to the local rugby club to,watch England with the missus and the boy. Should be a well decent day
  16. @dann2707 haha. Suck my balls
  17. I teach under 7/8's on a Sunday morning and co-manage the 2nd XV on a Saturday at our local club. I may be making an appearance for the 2nds later on in the season. Had a big get together last night for the first game down in the clubhouse, I'll be there next Saturday after I get back from watching Italy vs Canada at elland road
  18. Remove the spacer, get a decent exhaust and some lighter variator rollers. Should make it do 40/45mph Remove the spacer, get a decent exhaust and some lighter variator rollers. Should make it do 40/45mph
  19. There will a spacer stopping the variator from opening fully
  20. I'm the same Ross, I'd want to custom build with all the parts I like and know are reliable
  21. I'm 34, 11 years no claims, licence holder for 13 and my lowest price I could get to was £309 fully comp on my 1.4 tdci fiesta
  22. I've always used longnecks, best rubber grips out there
  23. bing

    US holiday alone

    I'm speaking from my own personal experience, then again I was in Texas. Got family out there who have been there about 2 years and they said it's not as easy as they thought. No social things to do at all without travelling miles or spending shed loads of cash
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