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  • County (UK Only)
    West Yorkshire
  • Real Name
    Sam Gill
  • Bike Ridden
  • Country
    United Kingdom

SamGill3571's Achievements

Trials Newbie

Trials Newbie (1/9)



  1. Yeah and trial tech arms , plus managed to find ma freewheel got everything to get goin again jus the b*****d cup seized into the frame , u got a spare frame ?
  2. coxy is that you ? lol , and ano think a mite jus by a new frame , the old girl has had her day , il give her to the gypsy's
  3. None what so ever , its completly mashed and yeah just over a year.
  4. No good, the metal is soft so the screwdriver justs takes a lump off , tried heating it after too but made no differance
  5. Sorry i forgot to mention , i have taken the non drive side off , but i went to take the drive side off and the teeth jus rounded off , the tool jus turns freely , will i have to resort to drastic actions ?
  6. Hi I recently bought a bb bracket tool off tarty bikes to remove the bb, i put the tool in the vice and fastend it tight. I then bolted my T-Pro frame on the tool so it wouldnt move. I used the frame as lever to twist off the BB but because the spline teeth on the BB were old and worn they sheered completly thus leaving smooth shiny metal. Has anyone had the same problem ? please could someone help/guide me in the right direction ?. Hope this doesnt confuse but the square bracket is out but the casing is still in if you know what i mean . Regards ,
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