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Everything posted by iChimp

  1. He said where abouts IN hertfordshire :L
  2. I was going to post the exact video too! Remember No negative chi!
  3. Search POC, a bit expensive though, if not 661 or maybe lizard skins?
  4. Wow rocknroll bikes are pretty darn cheap, that onza pro didnt look bad but a bit out my price range Adamant a3?
  5. Yeah Heard onza rip back wheels are 20" so they suck for pedal kicks etc, my budget its £400 MAX any other ideas? Cheers Just to add on I would pefer a nice second hand bike than a norm stock.... I need to get validated really so i can browse buy/sell
  6. Hey guys thanks for the great response. I think i will go for a mod on your advice I do prefer my friends mod to a 24" even if its a bit long! (its built for a 6ft6" giant! haha). Would an onza rip be a good starter? I would probably get maguras straight away? Thanks for the Advice!
  7. Hey peeps I am looking to get a trials bike obviously haha, I can do some of the basics at the moment eg back hops pedal kicks and manuals and i ride a bmx at the moment.Im looking to upgrade to a trials bike and im looking at 24"s maybe 20" i have a freind who rides an onza zoot which is nice and friand who rides a mod which is realllyyyyyyyyyy nice! anyway any starter bikes i should get or for sale? Thanks
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