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Everything posted by howvard

  1. Errr ok mate no need to be harsh only put it in here so that beginners can see it because they hardly ever check out the forsale thread.......... so was just an idea but whatever mate. I dont like to be criticised exspecially if the person doing it isnt as good at riding then you ................... (dont know if you are or not but........)
  2. I have no idea what any of you guys are on about EDIT: It has a new "SPECIALIZED HUB BUILT ONTO A FLURO PINK DRILL THROW RIM" Hope you can understand that if not go and have an eye test
  3. Yer i know mate it has a new hub on it thats what i said. And i have riden with this hub a fair bit and it has done me well and not let me down on any moves in my eyes
  4. Cheers for that mikey but the bike has a bb7 rear brake and a hayes mx2 front in good working order and a beginner isnt going to notice the hub,, it is better then what they come with when they are new so its a good buy for anyone and its cheap
  5. yer i know but just put in here because all the new people will look at it
  6. Hi I have seen that alot of guys (mainly beginners) are buying the MAD phase 1.3 quite alot. I would just like to say BUY MINE !!!! its got onza bars echo stem echo cranks single speeded avid brake levers hayes front disc caliper new tyres and now,,,,,,,,,, a fluro pink drill throw wheel and its now dual disc. All i waant is about £200 or offer away Come on and get a bargain
  7. It really is mate, you've got to take a good beating (if your not bailing then your not trying hard enough)
  8. howvard

    Ice 2

    Tom the rear wheel is looking sweet. But get some better pictures hahahahhahaaa
  9. They are sooooooo nice, what brakes are you gunna be running on them ??
  10. 170mm cranks on a mod
  11. this is good presssure mate since i first posted this up i have progressed alot and very much enjoy this tyre pressure. It gives a good hold when your dropping onto stuff, and isnt to hard so that you cant push down onto the tyre for extra bounce.
  12. hi mate is the megamo wheel on its way

  13. hi mate is the megamo wheel on its way

  14. so nice and does he always ride with the flat front tyre
  15. I think you should have left it rawed it looks so nice though Your amazingly lucky to be able to have the kit to make the frame (it is bueatifully made)
  16. Love it, purple washers are luuussshhhh
  17. looks amazing, what is the actual weight (do you have the limey frame for sale or is that long gone)
  18. I like it and am personally running a pink rear rim
  19. is that from pinkbike ????
  20. hi mate dont know if you have got the bike yet but im selling my MAD 1.3 with echo stem echo cranks single speeded onza bars and avid levers if your interested for about 100 - 150 ?? pm if your interested
  21. hi mate dont know if you have got the bike yet but im selling my MAD 1.3 with echo stem echo cranks single speeded onza bars and avid levers if your interested for about 100 - 150 ?? pm if your interested
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