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Dai the Socket

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Everything posted by Dai the Socket

  1. *nods* Damn right it's good vectoring :lol:
  2. Linked you from: www.wytrials.co.uk. Topic on't site here. It's on the links page :lol:
  3. I picked up www.wytrials.co.uk for £8.81 inc Vat, £7.50 not including, yesterday. Got it from: http://www.lcn.biz/domain-names.asp for 2 years. Paid over paypal. Set up straight away, Can have email forwarding again, website forwarding if your site's not hosted with them etc. Pretty good IMO.
  4. Lol Damnit! In dreamweaver I must of put the links as www.heatsinkpads.com rather than http://www.heatsinkpads.com which shortcuts them to the server my site's on. Oops! I fixed it now though :lol: Cheers Spacemunkee
  5. Oh dear it's too late. New intro page added with auto redirecting after 3-4 seconds. Counter added. Extras page finished on my hdd, not uploaded yet. More Links Medias - Photos open in separate windows No border on photos page To name a few updates. Keep the comments coming.... Thanks for them so far :lol: :sick:
  6. Understatement. Lol. Thanks Jon :sick::lol:
  7. :lol: You know for my Photos page, i'm wanting to make the pictures open into 400 x 400 pages so they fit the pic perfectly. They look much sharper and more professional. Got any idea how I can do it? I picked up: <td width="64" height="48" valign="top" align="left" xpos="288"><a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="window.open('http://www.craigleescott.co.uk/image/photos/Picture010.jpg', 'MyPopUp', From Craig's site but can't make much sense of it onto mine unfortunatly (Y) Cheers again :sick: Nick
  8. Oh my god you've actually sorted it, how little do I know about CSS!! :lol: Pick your chocolates..... :sick:
  9. <html> <head> <title>....WYT....</title> </head> <body bgcolor="#DEDED6"> <div align="center"> <table width="95%" height="95%" border="1" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bordercolorlight="#DEDED6" bordercolordark="#DEDED6"> <tr> <td align="center" width="100%" valign="middle" height="100%"> <center><IFRAME NAME="frame" SRC="body.html" allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" ALIGN="top" HEIGHT="501" WIDTH="701" HSPACE="10" VSPACE="10"></center> <font face="Arial" size="1">sorry, your browser does not support iframes</font></IFRAME></td> </tr> </table> </div> </body> </html> That's to make the page in a table and centre in the middle of the page both vertically and horizontally, a kind of short cut that might not of worked out! Then there's the 'body' which has all the links and info etc in... <html> <head> <title>WYTT</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- <!-- function newImage(arg) { if (document.images) { rslt = new Image(); rslt.src = arg; return rslt; } } function changeImages() { if (document.images && (preloadFlag == true)) { for (var i=0; i<changeImages.arguments.length; i+=2) { document[changeImages.arguments[i]].src = changeImages.arguments[i+1]; } } } var preloadFlag = false; function preloadImages() { if (document.images) { bikes_over = newImage("images/bikes-over.png"); extras_over = newImage("images/extras-over.png"); links_over = newImage("images/links-over.png"); home_over = newImage("images/home-over.png"); team_over = newImage("images/team-over.png"); media_over = newImage("images/media-over.png"); preloadFlag = true; } } // --> function MM_swapImgRestore() { //v3.0 var i,x,a=document.MM_sr; for(i=0;a&&i<a.length&&(x=a[i])&&x.oSrc;i++) x.src=x.oSrc; } function MM_preloadImages() { //v3.0 var d=document; if(d.images){ if(!d.MM_p) d.MM_p=new Array(); var i,j=d.MM_p.length,a=MM_preloadImages.arguments; for(i=0; i<a.length; i++) if (a[i].indexOf("#")!=0){ d.MM_p[j]=new Image; d.MM_p[j++].src=a[i];}} } function MM_findObj(n, d) { //v4.01 var p,i,x; if(!d) d=document; if((p=n.indexOf("?"))>0&&parent.frames.length) { d=parent.frames[n.substring(p+1)].document; n=n.substring(0,p);} if(!(x=d[n])&&d.all) x=d.all[n]; for (i=0;!x&&i<d.forms.length;i++) x=d.forms[i][n]; for(i=0;!x&&d.layers&&i<d.layers.length;i++) x=MM_findObj(n,d.layers[i].document); if(!x && d.getElementById) x=d.getElementById(n); return x; } function MM_swapImage() { //v3.0 var i,j=0,x,a=MM_swapImage.arguments; document.MM_sr=new Array; for(i=0;i<(a.length-2);i+=3) if ((x=MM_findObj(a[i]))!=null){document.MM_sr[j++]=x; if(!x.oSrc) x.oSrc=x.src; x.src=a[i+2];} } //--> </script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css"> </head> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" onload="preloadImages();MM_preloadImages('images/links-over.png')"> <center> <table id="Table_01" width="701" height="501" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td colspan="15"> <img src="images/index_01.png" width="700" height="69" alt=""></td> <td> <img src="images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="69" alt=""></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="6"> <img src="images/index_02.png" width="267" height="1" alt=""></td> <td rowspan="3"> <a href="bikes.html" target="iframe" onmouseover="changeImages('bikes', 'images/bikes-over.png'); return true;" onmouseout="changeImages('bikes', 'images/bikes.png'); return true;" onmousedown="changeImages('bikes', 'images/bikes-over.png'); return true;" onmouseup="changeImages('bikes', 'images/bikes-over.png'); return true;"> <img name="bikes" src="images/bikes.png" width="68" height="30" border="0" alt=""></a></td> <td colspan="3"> <img src="images/index_04.png" width="93" height="1" alt=""></td> <td rowspan="3"> <a href="extras.html" target="iframe" onmouseover="changeImages('extras', 'images/extras-over.png'); return true;" onmouseout="changeImages('extras', 'images/extras.png'); return true;" onmousedown="changeImages('extras', 'images/extras-over.png'); return true;" onmouseup="changeImages('extras', 'images/extras-over.png'); return true;"> <img name="extras" src="images/extras.png" width="89" height="30" border="0" alt=""></a></td> <td rowspan="4"> <img src="images/index_06.png" width="11" height="52" alt=""></td> <td rowspan="3"> <a href="links.html" target="iframe" onmouseover="changeImages('links', 'images/links-over.png'); return true;" onmouseout="changeImages('links', 'images/links.png'); return true;" onmousedown="changeImages('links', 'images/links-over.png'); return true;" onmouseup="changeImages('links', 'images/links-over.png'); return true;"> </a><a href="Links.html" target="iframe" onMouseOver="MM_swapImage('Image47','','images/links-over.png',1)" onMouseOut="MM_swapImgRestore()"><img src="images/links.png" name="Image47" width="69" height="30" border="0"></a></td> <td colspan="2" rowspan="4"> <img src="images/index_08.png" width="103" height="52" alt=""></td> <td> <img src="images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="1" alt=""></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" rowspan="3"> <img src="images/index_09.png" width="110" height="51" alt=""></td> <td> <a href="home.html" target="iframe" onmouseover="changeImages('home', 'images/home-over.png'); return true;" onmouseout="changeImages('home', 'images/home.png'); return true;" onmousedown="changeImages('home', 'images/home-over.png'); return true;" onmouseup="changeImages('home', 'images/home-over.png'); return true;"> <img name="home" src="images/home.png" width="68" height="28" border="0" alt=""></a></td> <td rowspan="3"> <img src="images/index_11.png" width="12" height="51" alt=""></td> <td> <a href="team.html" target="iframe" onmouseover="changeImages('team', 'images/team-over.png'); return true;" onmouseout="changeImages('team', 'images/team.png'); return true;" onmousedown="changeImages('team', 'images/team-over.png'); return true;" onmouseup="changeImages('team', 'images/team-over.png'); return true;"> <img name="team" src="images/team.png" width="66" height="28" border="0" alt=""></a></td> <td rowspan="3"> <img src="images/index_13.png" width="11" height="51" alt=""></td> <td rowspan="3"> <img src="images/index_14.png" width="10" height="51" alt=""></td> <td> <a href="media.html" target="iframe" onmouseover="changeImages('media', 'images/media-over.png'); return true;" onmouseout="changeImages('media', 'images/media.png'); return true;" onmousedown="changeImages('media', 'images/media-over.png'); 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  10. Help me change my website's CSS kinda layout thing. It's come up with this for my Index.html doc in dreamweaver And in Mozilla the background comes up bright yellow, and in IE which it's meant to come up right, it comes up in grey. I'm stuck. Any suggestions? Can get any chocolate bar(s) of your choice with the value of upto £1.00 plus £0.30 postage :) :lol: Nick
  11. Dont you know it sexy boy (Y)" :) Not long enough :) Some dude helped me :) :lol:
  12. Oh yeah for the people who say it's not working then they can use the shortcut link: here. I only bought the .co.uk 10 mins ago and it said it'd take upto 24 hours to properly load up. It worked for me so I thought it'd work for EVERYONE but seems to only work for about 70% of people. And for hypocrits who accuse it of being a template because it's hosted on freewebs, you're wrong :sick: It's merely hosted in advanced mode, which I have to pay for. Getting new hosting soon however. In 1 months time. Cheers for comments so far. Updating as you read.... Nick :lol:
  13. New site, First proper domain i've ever used :D Just put some new pics on recently from today. Extras and Links pages dont work at this moment in time but should do by tonight. More profiles and pics etc to come shortly. Thanks :S Nick Hehe edit! Lazy Link: www.wytrials.co.uk Or here is the first link doesn't work for you :) Also the site is best viewed in Internet Explorer as I've made a tiny mistake in the background colour when writing it which means that Mozilla and firefox and some of the 'better' internet browsers make it yellow :) :lol: Use IE (Y) (Yes, this is the ONLY time i'm going to suggest you use Windows Related software!! :D)
  14. Southener :( HEHE joke. My mate from Swindon introduced me to 'asked' meaning 'arsed' :).
  15. Lmao. If I were someone who would easily stereotypicalise you i'd call you a 'Chav, Pikey, Twocker' and more. Get that cap off you look like a geek. :(
  16. You've got good taste in music:) I want to go see Bloc Party at Manchester but can't get hold of a ticket any time soon :ermm: Don't have enough money to go see bands recently :wub: Out of debt today though so next month's wage will be buying me stuff (Y)
  17. What day and when? there are loads of shit hot places in Leeds. Loads of street inside the centre. (Playhouse, Art Gallery, University at the Top (Very good) Millenium square kinda, Granite walls accross from the train station etc etc...) Then there's a skate park (hyde park i think) at the top of leeds which is OK but not too cracky for trials IMO. Hope i helped :blink:
  18. Is there a program you can download to find out what your internet speed your're actually running on? My dad's convinced it's no-where near 512 kb/sec which i'm not sure about :blink: We're getting upgraded soon to 2mb :ermm: :wub: thanks.
  19. Want to swap front brakes? 160mm Avid mechanical? Top conditon. Deore lever :S And some money? Lol. I want the Rb lever and a hydro :(:(
  20. Yeah. Especially by Text message next to your bed so you don't actually have to get up from your lovely warm bed! Also when girlfriends have something to make up for, but are being inquisitive and making up for it in a very productive :( way :S
  21. But it's got sex in so it's not that boring (Y) The Folder's ace but that's another story ALL TOGETHER! Phew. Glad we avoided that one Rich :huh: EDIT: BUT. His folder is a shitty Windows XP one. Also, mine twirls (Y) And it flashes, And it's got the same font as the other thing for 'the folder'. Also his is too obvious. He knows too much. I'm gonna go on that assassin thing in another chit chat topic :S
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