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Dai the Socket

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Everything posted by Dai the Socket

  1. Haha that's my watch! The Nixon Rover in Black (Y)
  2. Tim you little fanny! I edited that pic!! Lol. You jew!
  3. Haha. I asked him wat group he wanted to be in, and he picked that one. I don't mind. It's at the top and I talk to him lots. It's just easier to find his box.. lol.
  4. I voted Lib Dem's. Mainly for their policy on University Fee's.
  5. It's good quality on my computer. I made it full screen (20") and it was really clear. Didn't slip or stall. Also audio was good. All sound stopped at about 17 seconds though. What settings / program are you using? Thanks Nick. Edit: Also: It's not 7** kb's or whatever. It's 1.5. I'm on a mac and it works. I've got quicktime 7 and i'm on Panther. Jon hasn't been assed to send me Tiger..yet (Y)
  6. Hey. Sweet photos. Really clear. Looks like a lovely day too (Y) Keep 'em coming (Y) Nick
  7. Here's one of his that he sent earlier:
  8. It was only £4.75 or something. From Halifax to Sheffield, Return! Haha i beat you all! (Y) Depend on my exams but i'll try. Nick
  9. Hey trials_pimp. I'm not arguing. Just giving you my story! Oki? To be quite honest. I know quite a lot about bikes. Mainly trails but a lot of freeride and shitty bikes like Saracens and the Konas etc. I can honestly say that our bikehut manager knows f**king LOADS about bikes. He's really good mechanic and can sort just about anything. Also I know a couple of guys downstairs in Ripspeed who know loads, especially someone called Steff who's awesome at doing ICE stuff. I'm pretty edit: happyat Halfords at the moment. It's not too bad. The shifts on Sundays (7 hours) are quite long but since you're with people you can talk to and stuff, it's not that bad. And realistically, it's money so i'm happy with it. I totally agree that it's your opinion :P You can't ever change anyone elses opinion! I know that Halifax (my halfords) and Huddersfield (the one nearest us) have really capable staff in. Holroyde and Burnsy and more work at Hudd, and that's cool. I'm not going to stick up for halfords anyway. To me they're an employer to give me money to go riding with, pimp my bike up, save for a car and get drunk on. Nothing more. I don't have very much 'loyalty' to them, and only a little guilt (I called in sick :"> when i wasn't..)! It's a better job than Sainsburys anyway. It'll do me for the moment. I need something like the Police, or Graphic Design to keep me 100% happy. That'll come with experience and age however. Thanks for reading the rant :- Nick
  10. [Huge bump] Haha. Asif. Are you generally smart? My mate Giles is like that. He doesn't revise or try and gets awesome grades. It's just his natural ability I guess. I'm starting serious revision now. 2 hours a night hopefully. Exams in like 3 weeks! Argh! I'm hoping me going to a Grammar school might help me a bit? :lol: (it won't!) My mocks are D's, C's and B's. I did absolutly no revision for them. I just can't ever try and revise. The computer is way too tempting ;) I might go on bbc bitesize. Nick
  11. I think that i'd be game! I don't work Saturdays so Friday night would be perfect ;) Skrew tim! Do it friday nights'! I work Sunday's :lol:
  12. I disagree. I work there and i'm on £4.75 an hour. It's easy work. Bike related = better than most places like supermarkets etc. Everyone who works there is looking to enjoy it and no-one's a fanny 'cept the manager.. lol. ----- I had my interview there about 6 weeks ago, it was at the job centre, and I got the job :lol: Just be yourself. Look the manager in the eye and be confident in your answers. Try to think about the question's they'll ask. Like 'why would you be an asset to our company', and 'when were you a team player in your last job' and stuff like that. Also shake their hands when you enter or leave. Preferably both! That's about it really. I shit it more than I should of. Be confident that you're going to get the job. Try to tell him your main hobby is biking and that you go out really regularly. You've got dedication to it but you're flexible with hours. Hope I helped you, and that you get the job (Y) Nick
  13. haha, don't be stupid :lol: Ride Halifax! Yeah. West Yorkshire Trials Team (www.wytrials.co.uk) ride Leeds, Halifax, Huddersfield, Waki, etc. Contact form on the website to contact me. Nick
  14. I started a year and a half ago, so I was 14. (Y)
  15. Good post prawn. I totally agree. Couldn't of said it better myself to be honest! Corish, you were out of line! And I think the dude should get validated :P. Prawn. You want some poptarts in exchange for a SM nomination? :P I still need to send Mark his (Y)
  16. Yeah, my MSN messenger on my Mac (Adium) brings up red squiggles under words that aren't found in it's Oxford dictionary. Then Control Click / Right click to give a list of options of other spellings, thesaurus, learn spelling, ignore spelling etc. It's really good. It gets you into the habit of spelling correctly, which is always good. And through that, my posting on Trials-Forum has become nearly 100% gramatically correct, with extensive vocabulary used through it's thesaurus. Nick.
  17. I'd just like to say. You're awesome. That was a really interesting post. Thanks (Y) (it might sound sarcastic but it's not at all! It was a really good post!!)
  18. Dai the Socket


    I agree. Yep. I've got a Python and I love it. I'd still rather have an XTP than that Python Yaozhi. I'd probably have an XTP rather than my Python and mine's pimp. I can never get it light enough! It pisses me off! :P
  19. Haha I was going to say that. (Y)"
  20. I'm getting a steady 315 - 320 kb/sec from T-S and EEhilheilehgil thing. (Y) Weird.
  21. Not really. You're just so in the wrong direction, I didn't want you to over steer and crash into a lamp post or anything. Just read what I said. It was kinda stupid thing to say. I was only correcting you. And I don't 'correct everyones move's'. I merely correct you in this topic (Y) Sorry. I'll let you look like a tit next time :S
  22. it was a poor video to say the least.
  23. I so nearly made that road pedal gap! (Y) hehe. I got home mega late. I got into Halifax train station at about 10.45. Then home at about 11pm 'cos I got a lift home off my best mate's mum (Y) (Y)" Then by 11.30pm I was back into halifax on the piss :) :- The ride was good but I was riding rubbish! Didn't do anything good at all. Maybe that 1 small drop-gap. Meh. I was on the Python with the Avid disk, Profile that kept f**king up, and had a gold front hope Xc hub. I hate trains. Grr. I really hate them! I'm off out anyways. Talk later. Nick
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