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Dai the Socket

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Everything posted by Dai the Socket

  1. No-one got any ideas for cool things? (Y)
  2. Ace idea. I'd buy atleast a couple (Y)
  3. It does have a CK, Avid disk, Middleburns etc. So it's a really sweet spec, and if it's only built up in the last couple of weeks, it'll still all be in good condition. Saving you near £400-500. I'd personally value it at about £800. My Mod is of a comparative spec, but rear profile, and I'd hope to sell mine for £600-700. (Y)
  4. I thought it might be interesting if there was a topic that could help me and maybe some other people but some stuff that you don't realy need, but would really want. i've been on 'iwantoneofthose' .com and it's a bit pathetiic i think. I've got a bit of money to spend on something really cool and fun, and preforably not bike related. I've spent way too much money on my bike and i'm wanting something else fun! I was thinking maybe a mini moto 'cos I saw one for £270 but i've heard they're a bit shit and not really worth getting since i'll be driving in a couple of months anyway. An air pistol maybe? They're cool and fun I think. Or ermm.. Give me ideas! Some really cool gadgets? Or mp3 players that aren't as common as an iPod or Creative Zen thing. Thanks (Y) Nick Edit: or maybe a small fridge for my room :)
  5. Asif. What happened to you deaf in one ear? What I said happened to me? It must be really weird. I feel sorry for you. I kinda have an idea and it's not very pleasent. (Y)
  6. Mine's not that bad lol. Went to the hospital today and they said the ear drum in my left is very very slightly ruptured and it'll heal in 1-2 weeks. And that i've got an ear infection in both ears which is making me not be able to hear properly. Got my french oral exam on wednesday too. Not looking forwards to that. Hopefully I can get a note from doctor's that explains that i'm shit and cant have a proper conversation 'cos I can't hear f**k all. And i'll get good ish marks (Y) I'm not happy.
  7. I say £5 goes to Simon for hosting all the Trials Vids. then £5 to DeeJ's charity fund... Then £5 to biketrialsUK for the world's (Y)
  8. How do you make the 180 degree thingy in mid air!! (Y) I'm so confuzzled about that! Decent Vid. Nick
  9. I ride a mod. None of this 'Mech Hanger' or 'Rear Mech' business here. 100% Trials. Not 90% Trials and 10% Mountain Bike (Y)
  10. My mate kinda did it to me with both hands on both my ears, from behind. And i think it's actually burst or atleast ruptured my left ear drum. It's been killing since it happened, last night. And I can't hear from it. (Y)
  11. I've been in trouble with them way too much. ASBO threatened like 3 times. A Dispersal order issued twice. Then loadsa warnings. B'ryt. You only live once I guess. It's all 'cos of biking. Or once we got pulled over in my mate's car for having blue neon's on the front of the car. That was fun.. :S
  12. Haha oops. I thought you meant the Shin-Dig's. For some RANDOM reason. Sorry Scotty.
  13. Haha u mad fanny! Stupid boy. You didn't go that big last time we rode. Best be riding with you again. I need pushing more! :) I might think about that gap if I see it. It looks rather large though. Well done (N) Nick
  14. Sweet video Steve. Loving the bigger bike :S
  15. Good lad! Me too... The 2nd (Y)
  16. Since when did every 26" bike have to have a seat? The Pitbull being a prime example. Also I think it looks sweet.
  17. Well done mate. You'll either love it or hate it, or love it, then hate it (Y)
  18. I'm in the 2%, Woo! Exactly the same as me. I used to run 18:12 on my Python, with 158mm cranks, but it was just too hard. So i took a gambel of £20 and got a 13t rear cog. And it's truely awesome. I love it to bits. :(
  19. No. It's TF that doesn't work with Safari :- Not the other way around. Meh. *runs off to my corner to start crying 'cos of Joe*
  20. I've got it. And prefur Safari. It looks nicer, and renders things much quicker. And it's got nicer fonts (Y)
  21. Danny. Those 2 errors / bugs are still apparent on Safari (Y) :- Think of the Mac's.
  22. 1 hour 10 mins is good going. It takes us 2-3 hours to get there from Halifax. And costs 4.75. Think yourself lucky! We hve 1 change too. Nick
  23. Edit after the post from danny below-- I kinda guessed that but it's a silly way putting the '>' in. I didn't really understand why he put it. Anyway. Ok. I love my watch. Lol.
  24. We/They've got some really pimp snafu pedals whicih we stole the stickers from for our phone (Y)
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