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Dai the Socket

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Everything posted by Dai the Socket

  1. Yeah. To launch a mail client you make the link url: mailto:username@passport.com so if it was meaning to send an e-mail to me, mod661@gmail.com, then it'd be: mailto:mod661@gmail.com Nick (Y)
  2. Don't think I can dude. Unfortunately (Y) Maybe next time :) Anytime that's not a Tuesday late night or Sunday, I can ride :P
  3. Haha. They're his 'new' oldskool vans. Quite cool. His school shoes sucked. Mine were shit too and uber uncumfy but they're all i had (Y) (I found a new shirt for the pink tie by the way hehe)
  4. My friend has an 80cc crosser and it's by no means a kids bike :) It's uber fast and really cool. I'm not sure what it is. Might be a Honda CR80 or something? Small Wheel'd version neway. Cost him a lot though. It's only 2 years old and he spent £1400 on it. Fast as f**k though (Y)
  5. Went with friends 'cos everyone who's in my year are mingers, ish. And the girl I would of taken, it was her birthday and she's left for holiday. That morning! Gutted. Was good with friends though: Me and my friends. I'm on the left.. Us outside our ride About to take off Leaving (Y) I'll put a few more up when my friend's got them off his camera, and I've got mine. Of landing and stuff. We went 150 mph :) and landed in the car park, infront of everyone, and it was ace. Hope you like them and don't mock my lip. It's bust and hurt :P edit:
  6. Hey dude! Really really good video. I was pleasently surprised to a very longing start :P You do need a few more clips, as you had to show some more than once, and the pictures, but it worked. It was with the music and suited really well! Nice rail gaps, good drops, and i loved your rail swap over thingy :) Really nice. You should be proud dude (Y) Nick Ps. What's the song? Thanks..
  7. meh. Yeah. Holroyd works @ halfords in Hudd. Wayne and Jonny etc at Aire Valley. Just normal stuff.
  8. Someone's feeling cocky (Y)" Hehe.
  9. There's a guy who lives in my village, the top part where it's all fields and stuff, and he's got a helicopter. I remembered seeing it land there one time, and the massive hanger gives it away a bit! Me and my friend went up there on our bikes and posted a nice letter through his letter box explaining about our prom, and we were wondering about if he could sort it out etc. He phoned me today. Said since it's a 15minute journey, it's not a big deal. He asked me what 400 / 4 was = 100. And he said it'd be 100, between 3 passengers. So £34 ish each. And he said if we really enjoyed ourselves, we can tip him or what-not. So i'm giving him £40 and the others are giving £40 too. That's nothing, cheaper than the limo I was meant to be going in! They're cornered off the car park at the hotel for it too (Y) Can't wait! £400 an hour to run a chopper. Ouch! Hehe.
  10. The links just auto-divert to: http://www.espacetrial.com/ (Y)
  11. Hey. I'm not totally sure but, I think it's something to do with putting text inside the 'alt=" " ' bit. So if you wanted a link to have 'click here' text appearing, you'd put: alt="click here" or something. Just a long shot that I recall somewhere. :- Nick
  12. I got to a hair dressers. Had mine done just now. Got it dyed black / really dark brown and cut. It's really nice, i love it! Got it done for my prom really, which is tomorrow. Goin' in the helicopter so gotta look cool hehe. It cost enough though, £34 for the colour, cut, wash and blow dry then styling. Took ages. Like 2 hours I was there :- Hehe. The woman's hot though. Oh i want her so bad :P
  13. Yeah. Maybe. Not sure. Not being a noob and being a retard are different things. I think the line would be crossed wearing a pink tie with no collar lol... We'll see anyway..
  14. Mine's on Thurs. I bought a pink tie, a really nice one 'cos I think they look pretty cool and.. The suit i've hired is for a bow tie thing. So I can't wear it. Gotta wear the crap-ass black bow tie. Well boring! :turned:
  15. I think that might of been the best comeback I've ever heard. Ever. I'm going to write a book about it. Why don't you. It'll help your sentences?
  16. The point is. He's a f**ktard. f**ktards need to be educated, therefore, they're a contribution to the forum. Forums are based around people's contributions to topics, opinions, etc. If they have f**ked up contributions, we have a f**ked up forum. Do I want a f**ked up forum? No. Because I quite like a normal, intelligent etc forum with normal, intelligent members. You didn't spell stuff wrong. You can't construct a f**king sentence. Are you 4 or something? If no; read some English Language books. Or you're failing your GCSE's and such. Edit: I spell things wrong very rarely. This edit was due to one of them...
  17. Learn what a sentence is here: http://www.uottawa.ca/academic/arts/writce...r/sntpurps.html. Then re-post so it makes some f**king sense? Google search for 'Zoobike': http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=zoo...nG=Search&meta= Oh my god. That's so shocking. The site you're most probably after, is the first one on the list. Meaning, if you search and use the "I'm feeling lucky" button, then you'd get straight onto the site you want. Some new members are so stupid. Grr.
  18. (Y) I've got 1680*1050 and get mine from http://interfacelift.com/wallpaper/ (Y)
  19. There are some middleburns which are 18t which work for Mod's. Talk to Calops (on here). He's just ordered some (Y)
  20. I think that the link to Aspire VeloTech is broken. Or it's not working for me. There's a UK importer who buys them from there, at USA cheap prices, adds on tax and a tiny profit, then sells them to nice trials riders like us. Contact me if you want any more info dude (Y)
  21. I believe you can get cheap Kings through a UK distributer who's on here. Might want to look into that. Alternatively, get a profile. I know kings have more engagement points, so if you've got the money, I'd get a king if i were you (Y)
  22. Hmm. Firstly. Get a job. Money makes you happy. No-one can deny it really. Snowboarding? I started but got bored and quit. Too expensive (Y) Erm. Rugby's fun. I play rugby, hurts a bit though. Erm. Learn an instrument? Guitars are really fun. I play guitar. It's ace.
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