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Dai the Socket

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Everything posted by Dai the Socket

  1. Add me to MSN. mod661@hotmail.com. I'll sort you the shiz good man.
  2. Wrong order. Fix the rollover images so they're linked to the correct pages. Save 'em. Upload 'em to your host and it should work. You can however, if you go to Manage Sites and put in your FTP stuff on your server, when you save any page it'll automatically update it onto your server. That's what i'm running, when Digital Crocus decides to stop f**king about.
  3. That looks like I know it. Hmm...
  4. I agree with the Monkey. Powermac G5? What Spec? What Monitor? Panther? Tiger? Tell me the spec of it.... Ram? Hdd? Processor? Duel i'm guessing, or the new quad since you're Mr. Cool. Nick. Ps I'm sure you could fit your 'large' music collection into 250gb. With space left over. By far.
  5. Haha. You like Cloths do you? Those ones you've got printed at home? (Y)
  6. I run 18:13 on my Python, as Mark suspected, they're so long and the Geo just makes 13T on the rear, with short(er) cranks feel better. If you've got 170mm cranks, you can run 12T really. My mate had an XTP and he ran 18:13 for a bit but then changed back to 12T cos he got longer cranks I think. If you're quite a small person and it just feels so heavy, like mine did, try a 13T rear (Y) Or even better, new cranks (Y)
  7. Yeah. As above says, I phoned BT and there was something up with it. Mine was off and on all day. Stupid thing. Mine's on Wi-Fi from downstairs and I thought it might of been that but the signal was like 70% so I was confuzzled. BT suck ass at times.
  8. Yeah. Didn't Pete threaten to 'hack' TF once? I'm sure I remember it. Anyway. Danny won't. Tom won't. There's 2 people who can validate people. They're Danny and Tom. You see what I'm getting at? :turned:
  9. I bet that takes you longer than me in Dreamweaver...
  10. Dude. Respect. Nice video. I think the highlight was when you gapped down to that blue box, then the gapping back to front wheel was awesome. Well impressed.
  11. Haha. I was going to say that. Oh, this is why Windoze Rocks? All the virus's and shit. Wickid. Safari is working fine on my mac (N)
  12. No it's not expensive, at all. You can get one for £8.00 for 2 years. I didn't know you can get .com's for £5 per year. That's tempting. Thought they started around £25 per year.
  13. I just measured it all up, print margins etc etc. Printed, worked PERFECT. Then illustrator crashed before I could save it :D :(
  14. I was wondering how I'd print anything onto some of these: things, with my Epson Stylus Photo R200. It's a snazzy printer but I dunno how I'd set it up, or an illustrator page so it'll print okay. Anyone got any ideas? I just wonna print some simple stuff on them really. Cheers. Nick edit: Got it sorted :(
  15. I run 2plus1 Clothing (www.2plus1clothing.co.uk), and play Guitar. While going to School / 6th form College thing. 2plus1's taking a lot of my time up at the moment though!
  16. I think I'd rather have one 4cm longer but meh...
  17. You've seen my thought process then.... lol. I sticker my bike up with TB's stickers, And I didn't get it from them (Y)
  18. Yeah I had one massive one on my lip. No kissing which sucked. Mine did kinda go after a week but Bonjela and mouth wash made it better.
  19. I want! Where'd you buy it from?
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