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Dai the Socket

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Everything posted by Dai the Socket

  1. Didn't you "sell it before you could get any spec"? Seems a bit suspicious to me. Sure you didn't find them on the net?
  2. What grades DID you get? Depends how bad they are. I don't think that many firms check, I don't even know the method of which they would check. I think that like the person above said, Experience and stuff post-school is really valuble. There's a lot of things which can make you look like an excellent future employee, rather than your GCSE results. It's pretty risky and I know that sometimes for courses and shit my mum gets asked for her GCSE / O Level whatever certificates and she's 50 and an International Manager for Wakefield College. So dunno
  3. By the way JT, Simon coded it
  4. Urgh! That colour is disgusting! Nice frame, Nice Geo, shit colour.
  5. Good adding to the topic! </sarcasm>
  6. They don't have an Echo / Zoo / Anyone deal to my knowledge! So I'll like to see them try and sell stuff when they don't have it in stock. I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't merely re-order the stuff through Tartybikes
  7. Same. Also isn't Mike spelt "Mike" rather than 'meik' which you used in the filename.
  8. I don't have a problem. I was just really curious to why you were pretty bias towards hope. More than anyone would be if they didn't have an incentive to push Hope on to people. People like king. That's their opinion. The Hope Pro 2 will be out soon so it seems, but there's no need to big it up like it's better than sliced bread is there. Just think it might be an idea to chill out with shoving your sponsor deals into people's faced so blatantly! Chill out Wayne. Nothing personal and I'm not being a fanny! Just a subtle idea I know others have noticed it..
  9. Just a couple of hours on 2 accounts. Like Woody said. Well punctuated, thought out posts. And you'll get validated. Simple
  10. Go and put a massive note on your door saying 'please knock VERY hard/loud for any post which can't fit through the letter box' I do..
  11. Right new Question It's not that hard but I thought I'd double check with the braniacs of TF! There's a data table of Regional unemployment in the UK from 1990 - 1993. It shows initially a large range of unemployment regionally at 1990 and then moves towards an increase of around 5% over all, but they're much more similar. Ie all 12-13% rather than before when it was 8 - 13%! The question is: "Apart from the data about the geographical distribution of unemployment, what other unemployment statistics would the government require as an aid to economic policy?. At the moment, all I'm thinking is about the number of people in Frictional Unemployment, as they don't have to kind of account / worry about them as they're not really jobless, just between jobs. Or is it about benefit claiment count? As some people are unemployed, but economically inactive as they choose not to work ie housewives etc. Thanks Nick. x
  12. In essence, it means it's perfect code Which makes me happy 'cos I know I can code properly.
  13. I wish your signature wasn't in shitty capitals and lower case. Why can't you just type properly? Not in the biggest font EVER. And you might get validated. Just a tip, ignore it if you want, but member's area is much, much better than NMC.
  14. It resembles one of my very first biking websites. Keep going You'll get good. I'm impressed with my new Frontal Media site Everything's working kinda hehe! And it's W3C Xhtml Valid
  15. It's not a specification. It said best viewed in. It works perfectly in internet explorer on PC, Firefox, Opera, Safari, and such. It also works okay with 800 x 600 resolution I think. It's not a specifcation. It's best viewd in. Because Apple shit's pretty, Safari and Firefox read code properly. Firefox more than Safari but meh! The only thing it f**ks up in is Internet Explorer 5 for Mac but that's 'cos it's shit and the program ain't made right. And, furthermore, it only breaks the links (when you roll over one, it doesnt return to it's origional state - ie it disappears!) So meh. And thanks Bren. All our work at Frontal Media was our own. I don't really think there's any need to bitch about things which aren't relavant what so ever are there? Didn't think so. We've got about 9 websites, 5 graphic designs, 6 leaflets and a couple of Photography events in June to put on, so it'll be crammed full of portfolio work Bren, just for you Nick.
  16. The html isn't anything special. The Css and Php are pretty cool. And thanks. Yeah. We'll build your site soon bitch. I'm busy! Thanks for the replies, keep 'um coming!
  17. I'm not going to look, but I've got a valid reason. He might want to think about this if he wants any visitors. The URL link is: "http://www.trialsbikes.piczo.com/?cr=3&rfm=y" I see piczo, some shitty hosting company that has adverts everywhere and they'll build you a website and you do f**k all input. Therefore, it's shit. That's why. Sorry, ish.
  18. The best idea is to just make your own banner if you want it for free, or contact a graphic designer if it actually is a 'big' site as you say it is. If it's a personal site, and not CLS's then I doubt it'll get many visitors. Unless you mean big in the way of coding lines?
  19. Shouldn't be too hard And i'm not too sure about xhtml haha. The Css'll be sorted by tomorrow eve I reckon You're wayyy too picky Simon!
  20. Hahaha. You wish You helped me with the linkage. For about. 2 minutes You lie!! Yeah. Together it took about 4 hours. Maybe about 5 with the new content and changing it all I like it anyway. Gives my work a nice look imo Ps. It will be html 1.0 transitional pretty soon. Only 3 errors
  21. You win. Haha. I guess actually. I made our new logo in Illustrator today and it was probably easier than Photoshop, mainly because of the vector elements.
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