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Dai the Socket

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Everything posted by Dai the Socket

  1. Yeah. I'm not really wanting much attention for it, it was only a small bump 'cos I found the topic lying about somewhere. I coded it, with a bit of help from Alexx Si and Danny as he said above so nicely. I thought I might as well keep the website clear and simple, with good content. It's not a client's site so it doesn't need to be shit hot
  2. Set the target to "_blank" and any link will open in a new window, or google 'java pop up window' and then use that script.
  3. Looks like a Zoo Python frame so I'm guessing it's a Zoo Python
  4. Wait for a decent day until you do that Jonny lol. The weather is bloody shit here today! Wait til summer and if me and you have a chat about dates, and then I'll have a word with some local riders for a big ride to go on, you can get your video cam out and I'll bring my camera down or something? Nick.
  5. I don't think I was that bad to be honest. Yeah fair do's he's got to start somewhere if he wants to get into website deisgn etc, and thinking about it yeah I probably should of explained what I thought he could do better for the next one, but I didn't realise he was interested in website design or building, just a quick site for his 'mates' and 'bird'. Initial imperssions of the site were that it was badly constructed, what's with the pink!?, and it all came across a bit chavvy. I know inital perceptions are sometimes wrong but the site just didn't work for me, and I did love the "He can't take pictures with his expensive camera" bit from Ben Cox. Good one I'm by far not a great website designer. At all. Actually I'm pretty shit but I know a bit about getting them done. I know you're pretty handy with the design and computer stuff so you're not talking out of your arse. I did actually try and help, the previous post was explaining about putting a HUGE image into a small one. I explained what it did and why it's bad. If he wants more, tell him (or he can read this obviously) to add me to MSN or PM me. Feel free and I'll help him where I can. I just didn't think he was wanting to 'get into' website stuff. That's all. Also I wouldn't expect you to use Frontal. You can do sites and graphics so we wouldn't expect you to. Got clients else where to be honest man. Nick. Edit: And just to add, I'm only 17.
  6. Linkin Park are pretty good!
  7. Jeesus. I know that Simon doesn't give two shits to whether his name is on the site, and neither did alexx after I PM'd him. Only Danny. And after talking about the previous site with him, he just said "If you ask me once, I'll say no, then make your site live" or something like that. Meaning that he liked the courtasy of being asked, which I did, and he said no. Why's everyone kicking up a fuss? I've put a link on the bottom of every page for them now. Happy?
  8. He only comes on when I link him to something. hah.
  9. Oh yeah. I know. I would if anyone was bothered. I'm serious. Simon Alexx and Danny did a bit. Simon helped me with some tricky css at times, and Alex did as-well. Dan set-up the Gallery. I didn't realise they were caring. It's not a big deal to be honest. They hardly made it all
  10. To be honest Alexx, you didn't do 'all' the code or css at all. You helped me with a couple of things.
  11. Haha why thankyou Heatsink Bikes. They're ok I guess Haha! Yeah. I think you've got a good idea for icons, but its a bit unclear. I'll fire you a PM now! Feedback is on http://www.frontalmedia.co.uk/index.php?page=hiring then the 'feedback' text' in orange. I'm about to put your full one up this evening, and put the other clients up. Didn't really ask many of them for feedback like I did for you, but I'll chase them up and get something decent from them I hope Haha at you. Lol. You stole it Orange, Grey and White = Sex. You know the score Si Fixed Thanks boss. Forgot about that. I best change the 404 page too. Don't want swearing on the site now do we! Thanks lots I love photographic work. Those were all taken on one day, I'll wait for the sun to eventually come out in Halifax and go shooting again. Been hired to get some photos of an event near me which should be pretty good.
  12. Yeah. Something like that Danny? 'Cept without the Code by Alexx and Css by Simon. I asked simon for about 3 things with the header, and you set the gallery up. What do you want? A f**king cookie? Jesus. Talk about attention seeking.
  13. I know what'd be a good idea. Let's make a 640 x 480 picture load completely, then re-size it to 100 x 78 px, keeping it the big file size: Also. What the f**k is a .bmp.jpg. New file type? And yeah. Ben Cox. I can do a few websites, I'm nothing amazing, loads of people own me on TF and they get the right to rip me. Br3n, Simon, Danny and a couple of others. You're not on that list. I'm really sorry I can't take photos for 'shit'. Why don't you show me how it's done fatty? :]
  14. You have a page for your 'graff' and for some dumb chav girl? Grow up.
  15. Not sure about the latest version of iMovie but just when you've got the song on the bottom of the screen, just go to the far right hand side scroll thing of it, and draw the end of it back, to where your footage finishes. It's a bit gay, and I couldn't export to MPG i seem to remember, only .mov. Use Custom settings, pick your frame size etc. Keep it under 100 mb and people will be happy if its longer than 5 mins Nick..
  16. Soo funny. Me and my mate on my motorbike were going to Hebden and on the way there's a duel carriage way kind of thing, over took some chavs in an escort with big bore exhaust and the like, 4 england flags on. My mate just grabbed out and ripped one off the door haha oh my god. So funny. We just did one
  17. Pretty rubbish quality photos aren't they? They're absolutely huge too.
  18. I've got less than that! Meeting for a website to be done next Thursday though which is £200 cash. Yey. Going to my mate's 18th birthday tonight, but I'm not drinking, or atleast not buying any drinks
  19. I aspire to be like you :)
  20. Paris Hilton's shit. Street Moto Trials is where it's at.
  21. Yeah. They just need brake light and headlight, obviously MOT and they'll use hand signals. Seating or Gears aren't the best, but getting from A to B short distances would be fine. They look f**king amazing. Make me want a moto trials now! I wonna photo them. Anyone got their details?
  22. Even worse on a 1600 x 1050.. [attachmentid=4531]
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