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Blacklisted Trader
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Everything posted by BradJohnson

  1. is there anyone going to sell me a v brake booster ?
  2. whats the lowest you will take for the v brake booster

  3. come on pal im interested in buying something from the for sale section but im not aloud to comment
  4. Hi will you guys vote me up so i can me a full member thanks alott
  5. hi i am going to buy a chain tensioner insted of my derailleur so it stays constent in 1 gear will this work until i get it single speeded ?
  6. what i find makes me jump further is if i have my front wheel really low then when i hop i have all my weight back then use a lot of pedal power while pulling up on the bars if that makes any sense ?
  7. i had isis on my bike and it rounded the pedal arm really easy if i were you id get square+ there cheap to fix if anything goes wrong
  8. Thanks a lot this really helped I'm using 26" mad phase 1.3 frame its pretty good
  9. Hi I don't notice my brakes flexing will they still be doing it, if I were to put a booster on will it definitely make my brakes better Hi I don't notice my brakes flexing will they still be doing it, if I were to put a booster on will it definitely make my brakes better
  10. What does a break booster do and how does it work ?
  11. What does a break booster do and how does it work ?
  12. What does a booster doand how does it work
  13. i dont have a grind but i will look on tartybikes, do you know any more sites mate
  14. whats the best v brake pads around for the money
  15. yeah i know them pads are good but the thing is i have gay v-brake
  16. Where can I buy rim tar online and is it a good idea to use it
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