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Blacklisted Trader
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Everything posted by BradJohnson

  1. I checked, the bb was fine and the crank looks okay.
  2. I Had a really good ride until my crank fell off. But anyway, i took my trials bike to the woods and done a few jumps and whips, it was really fun to go fast for once. Might do it more often.
  3. It came loose all of a sudden though ? I haven't had problems with it before ?
  4. Hi, i was out on my bike today and i was riding down the road and all of a sudden my crank arm came loose and fell off. why might this of happend. I checked the bb, crank and bolt to see if anything was rounded of or if the threads had pulled out but they were fine. I have put lock tight on the bolt and put it back on should this stop it from happening again and why might this of happened ?
  5. i followed the guide and shortened my hose with the fluid still in and used the nut and olive in the end instead of the barb, i've had no problems.
  6. sounds good, id enter if my front brake wasn't a gay
  7. Nice bike but for £500 i'd of thought it would have maggys or discs ? can you get more pictures up of more of the 2011 range ?
  8. Deep heat cream and pain killers should do it.
  9. Great thanks for the help, +1 rep
  10. Okay, would i be able to make a top cap from some aluminium plate or something like that ? Thanks for help by the way
  11. Would it be just easier to buy a new lever body ?
  12. Does anyone know where i can buy a magura louise top cap or does anyone have one to sell me ? like this
  13. it cost me £250 for the phase at cristmas and i've modified it loads, just paid £65 for the 2011 hs11 and i payed £400 for the carrera the christmas befor, they have to be worth more than they have to be worth more than that mate.
  14. yeah i did have a go at adjusing it and i just give up and single speeded it
  15. on my phase 1.3 my gears didn't last a month so i had to single speed it. i just thought single speeding it straight away would eliminate the problem i had with the drivetrain skipping, and as the gears came with the bike i thought they would be the same as mine.
  16. Here is my 09/10 Carrera Vulcan disc spec
  17. Onza Cleaners come with flat bars, and do not come with ground rims so if i were you i'd grind the rim get new pads like you said and single speed it because the gears wont last a month.
  18. http://www.josefvrabec.cz/index.php?zobraz=5 theres a link, i recommend you download the 26 bike trials 2 not 1 its quite complicated to use but once you get use to it its great
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cuo7BslZXz8
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