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Blacklisted Trader
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Everything posted by BradJohnson

  1. Hi just wondering a mate of mine wants to know if its okay to sell tar on the forum and would it be okay in the post or would they mistake it for drugs ? i have saw people sell it on ebay but im not sure if its okay on here, if it is how much whould a 2cm diameter ball be worth posted, thanks.
  2. I like the bike, he's done a good job on it, i'd like a bike like Danny only i'd show my self up with my riding.
  3. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=260794002411&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT
  4. '' Wheres the seat '' '' Do a trick '' '' Do a wheelie '' '' Do you ever forget you have no seat and try to sit down '' Yeah, my area is full or retards.
  5. BradJohnson

    Joe Oakley

    It would of been really good if he went on with a few other top lads. He's getting my vote any way.
  6. +1 The condition of the bike shouldn't matter for a starter because i can garantee it will end up dented, scratched and broken by the time your finished with it, it's all about what feels comfortable to you, how nice it is to ride and what you think would be the best to learn on. Hope this helps.
  7. Seeing Joe's performance has made me want to start getting into a few competetions and showing a few mates who don't ride trials but ride bmx/jump biking what we can do, although im not the greatest rider a few of the top riders will inspire them a little im sure of it.
  8. I'm unsure what to do on this website, do i need to sign up for a club or something ?
  9. i can only pedal up, up 3 pallets but recently i've been setting four pallets up with a pallet against it slightly tilted like a ramp and learning taps on it it helps lots try it.
  10. I'm wanting to enter a competition and not sure how i go about it, i'm not brilliant on a bike so i don't expect to win i just want a little taster of what its like. I live in Middlesbrough(north east of england) and don't want to travel miles, when is the next novice competition around this area and where is it at and how can i enter. Would be very happy if you could give me a little advice. Thanks Brad.
  11. 1 saw joe tonight on britain's got talent quite a good performance, cant wait to see more of him. Good luck Joe.
  12. The rougher the rim the more grip the pads can get on it, its like the difference between walking on ice with trainers on and walking on tarmac with trainers on.
  13. Might be a stupid question but on the front wheel why are the spokes set up different on either side of the hub ?
  14. I can do this (in my little world)
  15. i messaged tarty i have to send the lever off and they will send it to magura and they will repair/replace it
  16. My bike had also been standing for 2 weeks while my new frame arrived
  17. there was a topic on here a few weeks ago were a 2011 magura hs11/33 leaking from the lever and today i took my bike out for a ride and noticed mines leaking too and now theres no fluid left in it, im not sure how this has happened my brake is only just over a month old and hasnt took any bashed or falls can anyone let me know what could be wrond with it and would i be able to send it back to tarty and get an exchange ?
  18. i saw this last night on extereme sports
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