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Blacklisted Trader
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Everything posted by BradJohnson

  1. While we are sort of on the subject, could someone recommended a good sports knee brace?
  2. That rock at 1.35 was mahooosive! And that sidehop was impressive too, well done Adam!!
  3. I think they're Magura Vidar's
  4. Watched it without sound at first and wondered what the hell was going on
  5. Koxx has been hacked? http://www.koxxtrial.com/
  6. Also because the tops are loose hot metal filings ETC can get down there and give you a nasty sting.
  7. I'd happily ride it in a comp https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=612977248741674&set=vb.100000882126724&type=3&theater
  8. Trued and tensioned the wheel up.
  9. Maybe Hashtag 2 will be out soon
  10. Why would Adam leave a good sponsor to ride for a brand nobody had heard of?
  11. Basically from what I gather, Image is a new brand which will cater for younger riders. It's pretty clear to see that Image are affiliated with Onza just by looking at the photo's above - The headtube is from the Genesis - Booster and gussets at the rear end which join the top tube and seat stays are from the limey 4 and the fact Adam is riding it are a dead give away. Although i'm not sure how reliable the information about Onza going bust is, i'm pretty sure this company will be a back up in case worst comes to worst. Looking good though.
  12. Yeah i knew you where just kidding to be honest i'm not doing too badly for myself, it just seems like the more i earn, the more i spend, which it an absolute nightmare!
  13. I'm a Domestic Energy Assessor and Solar panel Surveyor. It's as complicated as it sounds trust me, but it pays ridiculously well for my age. £600 I did last week, Friday can't come quick enough Little update- Managed to lace up the rear wheel but I'm yet to true and tension. Also won this little Gem on the Bay.
  14. No thats my right leg, but it was only my shin and ankle that I broke, there was no damage to my knee.
  15. I thought this Mr Deng sort was a troll. I kind of believe its actually the owner of Echo now. Oopsie!
  16. I'm after a little advice if anyone could help. I bought a mod a few week's back and after 2 days of riding i started to feel a slight pain in my right knee. After ignoring the pain as it was quite bearable i carried on to ride for about 2 weeks, and after this time the pain got a lot worse. I took a week out and the pain stopped so i carried on riding. a few days later i started to get a slight pain when i put pressure on my leg but only when my knee was bent at a certain angle. i stopped riding for 2 weeks and carried on with my everyday life but my leg continued to hurt when i walked up stairs. I should of really went to see a doctor but i work 5 days a week 8am - 6pm so i don't have much time to really do anything. After admitting my knee wasn't going to get much better i decided to start riding again but not going as big and not doing any power moves or sidehops. Yesterday i went to do a switch and my knee popped out of place and then immediately popped back in which was a horrible experience! Today i went out with one of my riding mates and it happened again. Does anyone know what it could be and how i can sort it? Edit: Forgot to mention it was the total opposite knee that popped out and i still sometimes get the pain in my other knee as before.
  17. Tried water? 9 times out of 10 when your brakes isn't performing well is because of dirt on the rim. Spray it with some water and ride around dragging your brake for a few seconds and then leave to dry, should do the trick.
  18. Your forks snap, your cranks snap, your freewheels are made from cheese and your frames are a horrific geometry. Good luck signing a world class rider like Gilles / Vincent. Although i'm pretty sure this is a Troll!
  19. I've just bought the second one, although i'm yet to use it, it looks poorly made!
  20. I heard Onza where in a bit of a rough patch, I'm guessing this is the re-branded Onza incase things get worse and they go bust. Glad to see they aren't just stopping altogether.
  21. I'm waiting to see if they start selling all of their products off for cheap. A boy can dream.
  22. I predict: Gilles will go to monty Carthy will go to Onza Vincent will go to monty
  23. It's scary how much that actually looks like you.
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