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Blacklisted Trader
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Everything posted by BradJohnson

  1. At first i thought it was this one: http://www.trialsaddict.com/headsets/standard-headsets/echo-titanium-sl-headset.html
  2. Drivetrain revamp, Frames made from a single tube also a one piece bar/ stem combo made from carbon is possible as riders these days are going for the forwards bar angle? What if we no longer run forks and a front wheel?
  3. As the equipment evolves, riding will become much easier, which will aid dramatic progression.
  4. All as it really takes is some sort of drivetrain revamp and then we no longer ride a bike? For example) Something like a spring loaded mechanism like you used to get in a toy car when you where a kid, roll backwards and then the tension springs you forwards. This obviously wouldn't work for some moves but it is possible. How long is it going to be until everyone's looking at 60" obstacles as a warm up. Its inevitable.
  5. I've been thinking this over for some time now, and just wanted to see peoples view's on it. First of all, the question is. How long will it be until a trials bike is no longer functional as a bike? Here's a bit of information to think about. Over the past 30 years, trials as a sport has changed dramatically. First of all the riding styles are completely different. Back when trials first started the aim was: To pass through an obstacle course without setting foot to ground. These days we now have a few new styles. Eg) Street Trials which is an adoption of BMX freestyle riding. This a totally unique style of riding where the riders aim is to flow around streets, riding everyday objects, such as walls, stair sets ETC while styling it up with spins. TGS (Tap, Gap ,Sidehop), is also a relatively new style of riding, where the riders aim is to hop the bike as high as possible on everyday street objects. Competition/ Natural riding is where riders, rider objects such as rocks, logs and other natural objects. This style of riding comes from motorcycle trials. As well as riding styles, the bikes have changed a lot. Here's a Montesa from 1982: This bike still resembles an every day bike: Seat 20" wheels front and back (as a posed to a 19" rear wheel we have today) BMX Style Handlebars Generic stem clamping system. Freewheel on the hub 30 years on our bikes are looking like this: (shout out to Harmertrials) Today's bikes are no longer looking like you everyday 'Functional bike' The materials we are using are different; Carbon Fibre for Handlebars and Forks, Titanium for bolts, sprockets, freewheels Aluminium for frames. The frames we use no longer look like your average bike, the Geometry is a lot different, and there's no longer an option to run a seat. The rims we use are no drilled to save weight and are a different width to an average bike, and we attack them with an angle grinder to give a better braking surface. Freewheels are now mounted to the crank to allow us to run a lower gear ration and to distribute weight evenly. The stems we use are now a trials specific design in term of the clamping system and geometry. Also the angle top competition riders are running their bars at these days is a lot different to how they where back when trials started. Lastly our brake pads are now trials specific because everyday pads no longer stand up to our needs. How long will it be until our bikes are no longer classed as bikes, but instead classes as sports equipment?
  6. My snapchat banter is second to none. Add me bradjohnson94
  7. Im in need of some natural coaching from you guys, shoot me a FB message when you're next out mate
  8. Aside from the wheel size, can you imagine how bad 29er forks would be, they would flex like crazy!
  9. Yeah putting them in the washing machine will work, try not to put them on a hot wash in case they shrink
  10. My scales have packed in, but i'd say around 8.8> with the Der Kaiser and Halfords' Tubes. Edit: Just fixed my scales!!
  11. Too late.. The stem is so light! but i'm not sure if they are worth the price, just get the K2
  12. Already onto a big video from our Indoor spot!
  13. Nah she's here until it's broken, i've spent a lot of money on this one.
  14. I've felt like this the past week or so but didn't think anything of it, just thought i was being a moody ba*tard for no reason.
  15. Full build pictures should be up tomorrow evening if anybody cares
  16. Vee's are good when set up well as are magura's. Personally I'd go for one of those new racing line complete levers with 2011 magura slaves and a set of coust pads.
  17. Usually I like to post a compliment on a specific line I liked throughout the video but in this video I can't, every line was done so so smoothly it's unreal! Little question for you, Do you run a lower gear ratio than the standard 18 - 12? The way you set up for gaps looks like you have to pedal really quickly to keep the front end up.
  18. Not going to lie, those helmets look so camp Some decent little lines in there though.
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