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Blacklisted Trader
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Everything posted by BradJohnson

  1. That manual, up to front was quite nice!
  2. Jack is some boy! I was watching him yesterday at Shipley Glen, nothing seemed to phase him! Interesting drivetrian setup for a competition rider!
  3. We'll try and rope Chester into doing the driving, but if not then yeah you can jump in with me!
  4. Do you like to see an end product to your work, do you like to work alone or part of a team, are you good at talking to people or do you prefer to crack on and get on with your work. Personally, I don't mind a bit of hard work, but I hate being told what to do, I like to work independently, but can work as a team. I hate it when someone with more aauthority tries to undermine me. I like to be left to do my job. I can talk to people, but I do get slightly awkward when I'm asked something I don't really know about. I think tte perfect job for me would to be some kind of tradesman, like a plumber or plasterer. Although the job im in atm it pretty good, because I do what I need to do, don't really talk much, I'm left to crack on, and when I'm done I just go home.
  5. My advice would be, to do something you already know a little bit about and something you have interest in. I went to college to study motor vehicle mechanics, and from day one everyone was talking a load of jargon I knew nothing about, which made me hate the course and I went on to do kitchen and bathroom fitting and level 2 plumbing, which was a lot of fun, but unfortunately I couldn't find a job after I was qualified. What sort of things are you interested in, what hobbies to you have other than trials? Are you a lazy person in general? Do you like to get your hands dirty or are you more of an office type worker?
  6. Went on my first ride at Hamsterly Forest today with a few of my mates, had a pretty awesome day!
  7. I agree with John! Get the trialtech sl's Callum, I had a go on Jacks bike with them on on they feel so stiff, yet still spring you nicely for hooks!
  8. Can i have my ability to respond to threads back please? I thought being black listed meant i couldn't post in the FS thread?

    1. bikeperson45


      No. You stay in here where you belong.

    2. MadManMike


      Once you get your ability to post stuff you've sold, you can have your ability to post on here.

  9. I'm excited to have a bounce on it later, you've done a good job of it
  10. Now's the time for Adam to do a super duper deal for tomorrow's advent calender, to get you to buy from him
  11. Don't suppose anyone is after a mint condition Onza Genesis 26" are they? full build minus brakes £350 ?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JJ Leigh

      JJ Leigh

      pictures may help ;)

    3. BradJohnson


      I haven't got pictures at the minute, but if anyone's interested hit me up on facebook / PM me

    4. MadManMike


      Nobody will buy it, because you're a lazy, scamming f**k.

  12. Second hand is you're best bet! anything from the Onza range should be fine to start off with.
  13. Ordering a load of sets of the new Racing Line levers at the end of the week. if you want some get in touch £60 each.

  14. Why hasn't a Hope head doctor been made for trials forks! Hit up Euan Beaden, he may be able to machine you something similar.
  15. If it was a compete bike you where after I'd spend the little extra and go for this: http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/20_inch_trials_bikes/rockman_manus/c10p11093.html But to be honest your best bet is to build one up from scratch if you're going to spend £1000 on a bike you might as well have it built exactly how you'd like it,
  16. That gap to front at the end was pretty special!
  17. Helps to give more bounce in a similar way to cutting side knobbles off. it helps to separate the knobbles so they don't touch when the tyre compresses. It's hard to explain but i hope this helps.
  18. If it's the grey Echo you're talking about, personally i'd choose the Viper over it. Reason being, is the Newer Echo is reaaaaaallly short 1055 wheel base if i remember correctly?
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