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Everything posted by Tsia

  1. Tsia

    Echo Front Hub

    Yeah, it does. Me being stupid then. Thought so! Thanks, it's just something I'd never seen happening before in any of the hubs from my other bikes.
  2. Just a quick one, I've just got a new (Not 2011, just unused) front Echo hub that moves side to side on the axle about 5mm. Before I get the wheel built, am I just being stupid in thinking that this just isn't right? Thanks :3
  3. Tsia

    Tensioner Set-Up

    Thanks, will test tomorrow (way too early in the morning at the moment) !
  4. Tsia

    Tensioner Set-Up

    It was flopping around, in the second picture, the chain is very loose.
  5. Tsia

    Tensioner Set-Up

    See : exhibit number 2 Unfortunately, the entire thing moves as one piece, even the second "arm" moves with it, as it's as far back on it's spring as it can get.
  6. Tsia

    Tensioner Set-Up

    Just the answer I was looking for, thanks. I'll have to take it into work tomorrow to drop out a link, as it hasn't got enough adjustment in that arm.
  7. Right, I'm very new to this so don't laugh It feels like my chain is "jumping" as I'm riding. It's not at a certain point in the pedalling motion, it's completely at random. This is how the tensioner came set up after I bought the bike, but is it correct? If it is, what could be causing the jumping? Edit : Reason I ask is because it sits so little of the chain on the first jockey wheel
  8. Excellent, now I can start with the spa... just kidding. Anyway, looks like I'll be going for the Zoo! then, when I can get my hands on one. Thanks!
  9. Phew, so I'm not the only one that's put off by the rather grizzly appearance.
  10. Hi, as my introduction post stated, I'm just getting back into this and I've got my eye on a Zoo Pitbull. Honestly, it's the looks that got me first of all, but I have also decided I want a 26" bike to start back out on. Now, I don't really know if this is going to be too much for me, I understand there's going to be wasted potential and all that, so I ask; Would I be better off purchasing something a bit more down to earth? For example I've seen a few of the MAD Phase bikes about, which I've read are quite good to learn on, yet I don't want to find myself enjoying it and changing bike again in six months time. (I'm terrible when it comes to selling bikes, the living room looks more like a garage, I should be ashamed to admit) Other than those two, I've only seen a few of the Onza 26 bikes, which I've been somewhat put off by the looks fact that I'm a tart. I'm quite open to suggestion, so are there any other aesthetically pleasing bikes out there that are relatively cheap, upgradeable, yet not too over the top for someone who'll probably embarass themselves riding such an expensive bike and being pretty awful? Suggestions please! Hugs & Kisses - Tsia
  11. Hi, probably the most unexciting introduction you'll have here! (I'm joking, by the way) I'm Matt, used to love (attempting) trials as a kid, got rid of the trials bike when I moved house aaaaand now I regret it. I really want to get back in to it but I'm quite far behind on what's changed etc and I've for some reason got my heart set on a Zoo Pitbull. Probably way above my league, but :need a shrug emoticon: That's about all for now, expect a few stupid questions incoming on the short questions forum. Thanks! - Matt
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