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boon racoon

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Everything posted by boon racoon

  1. Exactly. It's not really in most dealer's interests to f**k you over by filling stuff with crap otherwise you won't buy again and you'll tell everyone else you know not to as well. I think most people have a stereotypical image of dealers being the scum of the earth who're out to rob your money and try and kill you. Obviously some are, but not most. The higher up you get obviously the better yeah. But stuff sold on weights is usually sold as "1g" (bought at 1g price from higher up) when in reality you're getting 0.7g. And they buy in a lot larger quantities so get cheaper prices. That's how most dealers make their money, not by filling stuff with crap.
  2. Fair enough man I don't really know anything about Weed. I hate it
  3. Surely a lot of it has to do with the time you've been doing it as well? It just takes time to source out the best / strongest gear, who's selling it and get yourself into a situation where you know that dealer, can pick up regularly and aren't going to be ripped off or sold something dodgy? The longer you go on, the risks are more reduced I reckon. In every way. Once you know what works for you and what doesn't, what's clean and what isn't, you're sorted. It's the initial trial and error of stuff that might land you in hospital after taking some dodgy shit.
  4. Selling N20 is where the real money is! And far less risk.
  5. "Pills"? You can't really say that. It might be cut with some substances that go into pills (MDMA being pure ecstasy..but it's unlikely to be cut with that!) A lot of lower purities of Cocaine are cut with Lydicane...the stuff you get at the dentist to numb your mouth. To make you think you're getting good Coke cos it feels like your mouth is being ripped off. When really it's you who's being ripped off
  6. That's what I meant by 'high' Dave Edit: As we're on the subject of Coke. I don't think I could be more against anything because the Cocaine trade has such a detrimental effect on Columbia. That and the fact it turns blokes into a sweaty, arrogant pricks for the most part.
  7. Getting HIGH and going to Alton Towers?
  8. Drug classification in general is a bit of a joke. Don't think it'll really change too much either way! But if it does put a few younger people off it then good because at 16/17 you can easily lose yourself in weed and turn into a dopey idiot.
  9. http://www.howies.co.uk (Sorry)
  10. Can't touch that! Incredible Only thing to improve is the text for the song..put it smaller right in one corner with a better (plainer) font
  11. Always say that every year. No one I know has ever had any problems getting as much drink and/or drugs in as they want. No bag searches or owt. To any festival in fact. I know it's run by different people this year but I don't see it being too much of a problem. They might stop you if you go in with 20 glass bottles clunking about in your bag though
  12. If you wanted to know the location for one of Mike Deere's BMX shot then it's Balcome Viaduct... As seen here http://www.flickr.com/photos/klancaster/330163818/
  13. Why not go the whole hog and put coca-cola on your rim /1997
  14. Pretty much the best bars ever. Strong as hell, pretty light and a good shape. Used to snap Doublewalls every month but no chance with these!
  15. Mk 3's are far more exciting than the hair! ahha
  16. Jesus mate. You absolute THUG. Reminded me of TRA...the UK version! You brute.
  17. Ahh, that ride was so awesome! Made me smile
  18. This thread affirms the very reason why I visit this forum on a daily basis.
  19. Nearly all powder coaters use the RAL Colour Chart http://www.mailboxesgb.co.uk/ralcolourchart.php
  20. It's pretty reckless mixing sleeping pills and Coke together. Just because they took drugs it doesn't make them bad people though.
  21. As long as they're not so *good* they sound like a fog horn/make you look like a fool when you go down the street and try and stop I'm not bothered
  22. Haha you legend. Yer, that was a stinger! I blame Rowan on the run up..."don't die"
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