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About br3n

  • Birthday 05/31/1986

Contact Methods

  • MSN
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Profile Information

  • Interests
    Trials<br />Web Design<br />3D Design<br />Interior Design
  • Location
    Worthing (South Coast UK)

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  • Bike Ridden

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br3n's Achievements

Trials Master

Trials Master (5/9)



  1. Simon showed me this on facebook and I was amazed, But when my aunt emailed it to me? (why the fook is my aunt watching this?) I decided to come on here for the (first time - probably in years) just to say this video is incredible. It makes me want to get a bike again, just to mess about. Absolute credit to the sport, I remember watching the trials kings back in the day and thinking how can it get better, then CLS & Tunni showed us what was possible and now this! Fantastic. br3n PS Hello everyone.
  2. USE TFI Forks Say no more.... :D
  3. br3n

    Google Chrome.

    love the homepage/bookmarks mini-page-type-things.... very very usrful
  4. your link starts with.... the sun.... say no more.
  5. br3n


    the majority of people on this forum are british (or living in the UK) and american football isnt very popular here either, you may be better off asking on an american forum of some description?
  6. Honestly Nass 2005 was one of thre most enjoyable weekends of my life and Im pretty sure that was majorly because of hobbsie... He first spoke to me "hello 2u" many moons ago asking about how to 180 up a wall, some 5+ years ago i'd imagine! Out of all the riders that have died id briefly met two of them but I feel I actually knew hobbsie and hes someone i'd always have a laugh with no matter what the situation. such a shame, I hope his family can get a chance to read these posts and realise what people thought about him. br3ncpo
  7. pretty much the jist of it, itunes isnt user friendly from the off... end of the day its a simple task - why make it so complicated/slow?
  8. itunes is shit and the single reason I have a normal mp3 player instead of an ipod.
  9. I dont come on here much or ride anymore, but when I did ride hobbsie was always a hell of a good laugh, When I look back on "trials" the moments I seam to remember and enjoy the most are those which involve hobsie, Nass, DJ ride and many others Will be sadly, sadly missed. I am gutted.
  10. br3n

    Website Basics

    in the same way they think premiere is
  11. Split into 6 but still... http://videos.streetfire.net/searchresults...ross%20botswana dont blame me if its crap... 2nd link http://www.google.co.uk/search?client=fire...G=Google+Search
  12. the longer they hold it, the more money they make on interest.... you do the maths.
  13. you can turn vista into xp (visually) fairyly easily :/ people hate change, everyone moaned about xp when it came out but sooner or later you make the change.
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