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Everything posted by gateeight
Check Akrigg out in Dirt - the latest issue. He has a lot of coverage on his bicycle with a seat.
I dont think you have the lastest issue James. The rubbish Akrigg feature is in Issue 205 - 2007 preview issue.
The Chris Akrigg in Japan article was rubbish. I mean he calls himself a trials rider then rides that abortion of a bike with a seat and no front brake. Trials bikes dont have seats anymore Chris, wake up.
Oh my. This thread just confirms what a lot of weirdos there actually are in trials. Get a grip (and a saddle). Oh and thanks for all the constructive comments too! I find it interesting how quick the "industry" people are to critisize.
Just posted some pics of it complete at the news section on the Charge Bikes website. What do you think now you can see it as a bike?
Okay, so the frame is carefully constructed from 3AL - 2.5V Seamless Tange Ultimate Butted titanium tubing, and I am just about to post some more photos of it for you all on the Charge Bikes news section.
Oh yeah that ti Charge frame weighs 3.3lbs. More info soon!
Many thanks for letting me know that this is a trials frame and not an XC one. Please note this is a prototype for a specific purpose. It is not a production frame. If we wanted a replaceable mech hanger on there then we would have put it on, but we dont want one so we didn't. I do appreciate the helpful advice regarding mech hangers and titanium frames though.
This is not intended to be a retro bike, in fact we think it is truely cutting edge. It's right to say that it is not suited to those rabbit-like riders who gracefully dance with their two wheeled machines they call bicycles. What I find funniest is how you are all commenting on it's geometry, on a photograph taken from that angle! Keep it calm, but keep it coming.
Annoyed? I'm having fun reading this every so often.
Brilliant. More, more, more.
More like it must be good because Charge Bikes made it. Ha. You are only just starting to think Akrigg is weird? He is weird, always has been. But no where near as weird as most of you lot! I am not really into forums, but this one is hilarious.
We don't see this frame as old school. To us this is the way forward. Trials has been made less accessible to the general public by the funky no saddle designs. Which is not a good thing - in our opinion.
Lots of questions, that I dont have answers to. Sorry. The quote, "It is a classic frame, and in our humble opinion, the best money can buy" - this doesn't mean that this product is available to the public to buy, any progress or news will go up on the Charge Bikes website. At Charge Bikes we like seeing what can be achieved with the materials and technology available to us. Bicycle trialsin is particularly demanding on frames, and it is a good way for us to test the functionality of our designs. Our aim is to make the simplest most effective products possible. Chris Akrigg rides for Mongoose / Hyundai. He does NOT ride for Charge Bikes. We at Charge Bikes have no plans to sponsor bicycle trialsin riders. He helped us with the geometry, that is all. This is NOT an Akrigg signature frame.
No this is a totally different trials specific frame for 26" wheels.
We like your comments jibbers. This is a cost no object frame. It is trials specific (Chris Akrigg's) geometry, with CAD work undertaken by Matt Tongue. It looks like a "normal" frame because that is what we at Charge prefer. Some bicyle trialsin riders like low frames with no saddle, we don't. It is a classic frame, and in our humble opinion, the best money can buy. Light and strong, with careful use of tubing, so that unsightly gussets and reinforcing items are not required. Simple yet functional. That is it.
http://www.chargebikes.com/news/news.html latest news today (15th June). And it tips the scales at 3.3lbs
I thought you guys might be interested to check it. Not really a promo to Gate Eight, just a bit of fun. Check out the rider diary section on Gate Eight.com Click on the only box with no signature (haven't scanned it yet), it says Akrigg when you roll over it. Cheers Nick
Sorry for the delay. It is now working and it is different to the one on Trials Noir.... Check it
Sorry, there seems to be a problem.. I am working on it.
There is a different preview of the forthcoming COMING UP FOR AIR dvd by Trial Noir. Check it out over at www.gateeight.com and click on news. Thought you might like it. The dvd will be for sale at the Fort William World Cup on the Charge Bikes stall.
Martyn wow. that is all I have to say.
I just seen it too. Wow. Wayne, the video is NOT for sale on the Mongoose / GT / Hyundai stand. It will be on either the Charge Bikes stand or Gate Eight stand, which will be right by each other - Right in the middle of the main finish arena. Please spread the word as we dont want all you norrisses nibbling around at the Mongoose stand - as the Mongeese people wont know what you are on about.