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mr kenny

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Everything posted by mr kenny

  1. mr kenny

    Trials Doc

    yeh they didn't use much of the speech fromn rowan!lol
  2. mr kenny

    Trials Doc

    thats well nice man..... need to get that down loadble so's i can add it to the stuff i'm in folder...!lol keep it up god like??? fookin budda! k dawg!x
  3. 31.8....i think....so does danny.!
  4. nice one mike...twas a top pukey day!!!! :$
  5. nice one chas... hope to see you soon... speak through work xx k dawg
  6. yeh it's gonna be amazin if the big mac get's to ride martyn are youy doin footjamtailwhippy things??? whipdrops? i think these moves are called Give it death moves.... i can certainly say that danny has got a fair few followers and from speaking on the phone just now he appreciates the comments.... lets get danny to the show like he deserves!! kenny
  7. yeh he does.... but he's got me....... :$ twas a good weekend even though mike started off bad (there aint a car smiley??)
  8. hey they are curtis forks with re-inforsed bits.... funny story....these ecact forks got pretty bent while danny was learning back flips and we got them in a vice and pulled them straight cause he kept buying zoo forks and killing them in like 2 weeks. if you ever see these forks up close there is arrows and dints in them from them being swung on in a vice!!!! nice photo's timmy.
  9. danny all the way.... oh i had him last weekend(but fraser spooned him) :$ big credit to damon though---he can sidehop for fun to be fair though danny is super impressed and super humbled by most the vidio's and stuff he see's
  10. not seen the film yet but i know it'll be the dog's. fookin hell is who's that guy that does the roof drop on't the pashley---he's mint!!! yeh was a good weekend. cheers for the song mike, i'll always(no pun) come looking for you when i hear bon jovi!! :$
  11. this is going to be off the shizzang yo! sat noght drinking going to be the mut's nut's aswell.
  12. mr kenny

    My Astravan

    hey hey hey hey hey when will is see you. i would love a shot of the van!!and you. kenny
  13. LMAO it's not danny holroyd it's timmy(drevil,on't forum) thats the funniest thing ever!!!
  14. MOTH not just got into them they a mates band from ooop norf. they are metal...heavy metal man of the hour.
  15. wayne bro hope it's all good. i love thios photo of the buck you know this is one of my favorite pictures ever. [attachmentid=8537]
  16. yeh tahts old footage of my-ass-kills
  17. [attachmentid=8193] here it is..i read somewhere you could see it from space.... EDIT: sorry never read your post just the head line!!lol
  18. nice build i still love mine...get on with it so well. yup yup steel is the real deal.!!!!
  19. nice one dr jones!!i shal be gettin this for the collection. ps porter....how do you get to your little boy touching club? left then right was it??!!!
  20. yeh mike top vid once again was a top few days..... but we all love you m@
  21. yeh thats the frame i fancy but they end up flying in price on e bay..looking at one of them ans an old style tazer.
  22. yeh looked into the crack'n'fails...... not to good for thier money
  23. hey just looking too see if iv'e missed something i shouldn't have... in a nut shell i want to buy a big bouncy bike for freeride park slope play.. i got an sx trail but i find it way to much travel unless dropping big,but is a pig to rotate. i'm looing something around 4-5 inches of travel and burly i have looked at the commencal meta 4x the norco xxxx and a kona cowan ds, there are others but finding them hard to source in the uk i dont want any bigger than 5 inches(130mm) or a vpp(new santa cruzes or intense) any suggestions and if so link to them ta! kenny
  24. .....and make the love that no two men/boys should speak of..........
  25. [attachmentid=7670] (quote from danny) guesse which little boys iv'e been in???wonna sniff???? nice one hamish...super sweet pics.
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