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mr kenny

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About mr kenny

  • Birthday 04/01/1981

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  • Real Name
    Kenny Wilson
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    Inspired frame and fork, the rest is pimp.
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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Trials Master

Trials Master (5/9)



  1. I still have my Pashley Ghz in a box and a four play boxed up so the bike is sorted it's just going to get them out, bleed the brakes and look to find a place to play... lets see.
  2. is this Nic Shepard? If so i was about when he was crapping his nappy! lol I will have a dig around and see whats what.
  3. Great video Sean! My mum loves that Gregor dog is featured! Kenny.
  4. Hey Guys I am up with a couple of mates on Sunday the 26th of June and looking if anyone knows glasgow riding spots well enough to show us round? Cheers Kenny.
  5. looking good for the weekend, cannot wait now! i need to get a masterclass on how the camera works so i can film a few lines that you guys do at the weekend. the ratio feel ok?
  6. I have just read the write up and looked at the pictures and it truely captures the day for me! I had so much fun, met old friend and made new friends, rode my bike and loved every minute of the day (which started with Warren G and Nate dogg, Mike Playlist ruled!! ) Hands down i can say that the ride / atmosphere and everything was on par with Roadtrip 2005 (my favorite time for riding) Big Cheers to Mark, Dave,Dr John and Adam for the prizes , the judging was so cool and i am honered to have been a part of it. Roll on Section 002! Kenny
  7. I think the best thing to do is let the dust settle from this weekend and let the guys enjoy the summer and then see if its a do- able thing later in the year. There is plenty of things coming up to get excitd about ( clean, Fort bill , that team comp thing at brimham) unfortunatley the joy of lads with beer and booze is not a great mix( i have been in way worse situations than a few wee explosions ) , respect goes out of the window and what not... As i say let the dust settle give the guys a chance to enjoy ther bikes/ summer and see what 2012 has in store. Kenny
  8. NOt to sure these will work to well, even to take the shock/ bumps/ vibration out of the ride. what stops them just being at 'full' travel when you stand on them and during your pedal stroke these will change the height of the pedal - all be it 5 mm but this will still feel like a bent bb/ pedal axles. Thay atre pretty though
  9. The Triton Mod? That has a hop high button?
  10. I cannot wait! This is gonna be a rad day!
  11. Yeah the kids and who ever else were throwing them balls! I thought about making it across but when aurelian came up behind me and started shaking the beam I noticed other riders were not gonna le me get to the other one so in I went! Was all in good fun!
  12. I abslutley loved this weekend! I saw some old friends, caught up with people, had non stop banter and made some new friends! I can honestly say that this weekend is the sole fact I have not quit being a 'trials rider' I may not ride the bike very much but I have so many friends in the sport. I would like to give a massive thanks to matt for letting me loose on the mic, Stan you are a legend for not beating me down! And I would love to know who suggested I walked the plank? Those kids were savage! I still smile thinkinkung back to how many people I made laugh and do the mexican/ welsh wave! TD12???
  13. mr kenny

    Clean 001

    AMAZING! Mark and Ali the Dew Danny and Dave! lol
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