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Everything posted by supertwisted

  1. Expect my boy will be riding better than me as soon as he's out of nappies. Still, as long as I can get him into bikes it'll be a win.
  2. Unfortunately the wife scenario precludes me from filling the garden with pallets. It's not all bad though since I have some dropped ledges from patio to grass and some railway sleepers as borders so they will probably serve me well as beginner obstacles.
  3. Cheers all. Well I've just bought a cheap 20" bike from a friend at work to dip my toe in. I watched the Ryan Leech video again last night, both inspiring and daunting in equal measures. Getting the basics nailed seems the biggest newbie obstacle (as some of you have pointed out). I've become a bit of an instant-gratification victim in my old age, probably as a side-effect of my busy life so the coming learning curve will either be very frustrating or a valuable lesson in patience and diligence. Am I right in thinking I should just be concerning myself with dialling in trackstands, rocking and hopping to begin with? Edit: Ps Lilley - that pic makes me so glad I've got a kid.
  4. Sounds promising then - ta. A few people at work ride trials, one of them is something of a trials evangelist and is always suggesting I have a go. But he rides as though he side-hopped out of the womb at birth and has been a fusion of man and bike ever since. In contrast I ride a bike like a chimp drugged with Rohypnol.
  5. Having a wife and baby son means I'm pretty short on time these days, which means my main pastime of day long mtb jaunts is becoming a tough habit to keep up. I've always fancied developing some trials skills, it looks great fun and will no doubt improve my mtb riding no end. Question is, can trials be enjoyable when you don't have huge amounts of time to invest in it? Can you be rubbish at it and still have fun? Can you develop any meaningful ability while spending a bit of time here and there doing it? Or should I just sit in all winter and play video games and listen to the wife nag? :|
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