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  • Real Name
    Kellie Rolls
  • Bike Ridden
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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Trials Newbie

Trials Newbie (1/9)



  1. We are travelling to Weymouth on Saturday for a family wedding and hoping the weather will be ok for a ride on the rocks at Portland, we will be there from late morning,
  2. FROM THE SOUTH>>>>> We ride competition trials because we love it. The different terrains, the people we have met and new people we will meet with the same interest, a nice weekend away with the family, riding natural, riding man made. The boys enjoy riding for the competition side of it, the higher fitness level you need, the variety of sections and terrain they can ride on. The street riders will ride a comp near them if they want to and the comp riders will decide which rounds they will ride or not. We do not always set out to ride all events in the year, we know we can drop 2 rounds if we want to, so could obviously drop the furthest away if we needed to. This year the rounds are spread out as well as they have ever been. It is a British Championship and that is what the Biketrial Federation is organising and yes if you win you become champion, not sure what else could be offered. I have noticed a lot of the demo riders use their british titles to promote themselves. Of course the boys are very proud to have trained hard all year, ride the comps and become British Champion. We could slate street riding but actually think if thats what riders enjoy doing then thats ok. A non comp rider will travel to a street ride etc. Not sure how many non comp riders rode at the more southern rounds at Barrow Farm and Hookwoods last year. PS, there is nothing wrong with being a southerner, Robin Morewood
  3. We are going aswell. Flying to Barcelona but returning from Reus on the Monday. Reus (Ryanair)flights are limited but are cheaper and a little bit closer to the trial.
  4. Hi, I am Charlie Rolls,s mum. I have just come across your post on this forum. Charlie mostly practises at home on his own, riding over man made obstacles. He does learn a lot from watching better riders on youtube, very often he will watch a video and go straight out to ride. He also goes practising with older riders, this helps him learn new skills. He rides as many competitions as he can. He just loves riding. He rides most days. Chrlie is now ten and has been riding for 4 years. I have seen Malcolm on his motorbike, he is brilliant. His best way of improving is to ride as much as possible. Regards, Kellie.
  5. The event was sent in the trees and hills of Charleroi, Belgium. Three UK riders entered the event, with all three finishing on the podium. The sections were difficult for all the classes and the time limits added to the pressure of the event. The Saturday consisted of 3 laps of five sections and on Sunday 2 laps of five. Charlie Rolls won the Poussin category, Jack Carthy finished first in the Cadet class and Ryan Crisp finished second in the Cadet class. A big thanks to the organisers for a great event.
  6. Sam and Charlie are hoping to ride, will not be 100% definite until a bit nearer the time as the farm is flat out at the mo,, What is the venue like?
  7. Rolls

    K-124 Days

    We went to the Koxx Days last year, it is a bit remote, we found a log cabin about 15-20 ish minutes away, town was called Baume les Dames, as Robin says the shops are all shut because of Easter weekend, their was some food available at the event. It was very wet and muddy last year, camping is available in a field 5 minutes walk from the venue,
  8. Trials at Shipley Glen are set up on natural terrain, so lots of rocks, up and down leafy banks, tree roots, etc, you get 2 and half minutes per section, they are great fun and great experience, definitly worth the travel, everyone is friendly so will help you out,
  9. Yes, we have confirmed flights today, Sam should be riding aswell.
  10. I think it was a great trial, it was the British Championship so needed to be fairly hard to sort the best riders out. Most riders had a better score on lap 2 and lap 3, so all the sections were acheivable. Thanks to all the organisers and helpers, we wouldnt have any comps without you,,
  11. Hi, I am Sam and Charlie Rolls's mum/trials secretary. The boys ride competition trials,

    Charlie Is BIU World Bike Trial Poussin Champion 2010

    BIU British Bike Trial Poussin Champion 2010

    Sam; BIU British Bike Trial Benjamin 2010 runner up.

  12. Go on to www.biketrialuk.co.uk, there are links on to other clubs in the UK. Also information on the national events, rules and updates on events coming up.
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