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About kane666r

  • Birthday 02/14/1981

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  • County (UK Only)
  • Real Name
    Sam Rogers
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    Rockman slate xl, zhi comp cranks, zhi mod stem, tryall elite bars, echo platform pedals, tryall bb, 04 maggies, tnn lgms, tryall hub rear echo sl front, onza pro diamond rim rear, trialtech sl front rim, conti tyres front and rear
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    trials, and trying to get better at it
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Trials Dude (3/9)



  1. i think theres a lot that could be deleted repeated topics old for sale/wanted adds old updates general clean up just a thought
  2. Yeah but the new stuff isn't that exciting really let's be honest Plus it's all for kids( smaller people ) Or mod riders Time for a carbon stock no?
  3. Does anyone buy month stuff anymore Apart from the m5 frame all there stuff is outdated Why would you pay like £700 for a 231 frame Correct me if I'm wrong
  4. Pop a link out of the chain should sort it
  5. I'd love to have this rain king off you nick pm me
  6. Always like your builds dave Looks sweet
  7. Yeah have to agree with everyone else to much camera trickery going on, But good riding
  8. Sounds stupid but have you checked the o ring that goes on the bore cap very rare they leak there also check you haven't cross threaded the bore cap and are you doing it up tight enough
  9. Is that an Andrei burton events t shirt I spy there? Good like vid
  10. Cock This is what's wrong with the forum Wankers preaching to everyone Only asked if anyone else had cracked one yet?
  11. Yeah Craig he's broken everything think we may go steel next jaf bikes I thinks For those who want to know its cracked On the head tube both sides and on the rear chain stay where it meets the tensioner They are only very small
  12. My friend rides a Limey 4 we have found 3 cracks so far Just wonder if anyone else has cracked on yet?
  13. Weetabix with a dusting of roids
  14. Try going more sideways it will feel weird to start with but you will find it far easier
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