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About tom7995

  • Birthday 09/07/1995

Contact Methods

  • MSN

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  • County (UK Only)
  • Real Name
    Thomas O'Sullivan
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    onza pro 2010 with trial tech forks and bars, tensile 96 click, shimano hydrolic brakes, ceiled baring hubs
  • Country

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Interests
    also ride motorbike trials
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tom7995's Achievements

Trials Monkey

Trials Monkey (2/9)



  1. Me and a mate heading to bristol tomorrow if anyone is about? Think we are meeting up with some lads as well by the sounds of it If you are give me a text 07501033784
  2. lad impresses me more than Jack Carthy!
  3. your a f**king dick! just as much skill is needed for all wheel sizes....
  4. link isnt working for me... sort it out boldy
  5. tom7995

    Unwanted Clips!

    which bike is it that you would like to have pictures of?
  6. tom7995

    Unwanted Clips!

    some unwanted clips i have on my phone. echo lite- Thomas O'Sullivan- adment 24- Ayrton Jack.
  7. hahaa.....charlie rolls had a bit of catching up to do
  8. haha cheers mate, and yeah looking at it think they could go down a bit!
  9. http://www.youtube.com/user/pokemastercam?feature=mhee Just got the new frame and some other parts so thought id put a video together. only just getting used to it so very average clips but will have another video out soon which should have some decent riding in!
  10. ah i know, yeah i know him, ride with him a quite a lot, do you know where faringdon is?
  11. yeah, i honestly prefer it more than bike trials haha and oh really, where abouts do you live then?
  12. add me on facebook... Tom O'Sullivan or pm me on here
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