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Everything posted by Rossi

  1. I was going to upload it, but it has disappeared off my computer
  2. I'm never going up there on my own again! bejesus
  3. It's okay, if you know were to look. There's a lot of gaps up near the castle, like andy said, the concrete skatepark is good. Grammar school and this car park near the train station has a few lines. I always park at the car park, just by the level crossings.
  4. Tycho - Past is Prologue Watched this more than 5 times now, you make such good vids lad.
  5. Properly awesome that, stupidly massive riding. That first front hook was...
  6. Sounds ace that does, have a good un!
  7. nice pics. Just been to lee mill for the first time for an hour. it seems really good. the gate was locked though so it meant i had to walk up that f**k off hill and leave van at bottom!
  8. beef205 is mine. Only really play GTA4 online!
  9. Bah! would have come if id have known sooner.
  10. Rossi


    No way. Rob was such a good lad. RIP Rob.
  11. I'd say the Zoo! forks also. Gone through about 4-5 sets of urbans, pashleys, tuf guys, fattys, saracens etc, all bent, twisted or snapped. Yet to snap the Zoo! forks.
  12. Rossi

    Whoooooo Are You?!

    i was zebdi.trials
  13. Its gay that youve slowed it down like that just as you tap. cant really tell what your prob is! but hit it a touch lower, n leave off that back brake totally. only lock it up when your back wheel lands on top. It drags just as you leave the ground and that has an effect
  14. Rossi

    Damon_slow Dance

    He is an animal, i agree. loved that vid
  15. Whats happened to morcambe Great pics. You got that one of you bunny hoppin up the rock in high res ad? cheers
  16. That is ace lol. Just got a trials motorbike myself, and it's quality.
  17. Get a quote with APC, i sent a full bike the other week, and it only cost £13. was well surprised.
  18. Ace video laddy. Where are them damn rocks?!
  19. Sorry for short notice. Few of us are ridin bburn tonight, parkin near the rocks behind the church. Arkwright and slinger are already there.
  20. Rossi


    This is by far the better method, ive tried both. No need for a cable tie or cable/spoke, and it gets locked out completely.
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