It's okay, if you know were to look. There's a lot of gaps up near the castle, like andy said, the concrete skatepark is good. Grammar school and this car park near the train station has a few lines. I always park at the car park, just by the level crossings.
nice pics. Just been to lee mill for the first time for an hour. it seems really good. the gate was locked though so it meant i had to walk up that f**k off hill and leave van at bottom!
I'd say the Zoo! forks also. Gone through about 4-5 sets of urbans, pashleys, tuf guys, fattys, saracens etc, all bent, twisted or snapped. Yet to snap the Zoo! forks.
Its gay that youve slowed it down like that just as you tap. cant really tell what your prob is! but hit it a touch lower, n leave off that back brake totally. only lock it up when your back wheel lands on top. It drags just as you leave the ground and that has an effect