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Everything posted by Rossi

  1. Nice bike you got now Carl (Y) Finally off the zebber (Y) Goodone. Rossi.
  2. Crumpets are the future, I've tasted them. David Gill (Y) I didnt think cheese on a crumpet was possbile until now. Rossi.
  3. You teat! Bout as blonde as me. Kyle's gaggin for more replies, lol. Rossi.
  4. 'Lo http://www.eengoedidee.nl/videoz/download....tNTM228AAEiyD3w This is kyle's new viddy! Tis much better than his last one, bit more serious! lol.. again, I'm sure comments would be appreciated. Charz, Rossi.
  5. Lmao, c you there Dave. Tit, what bike are you ridin at the mo? I can't remember lol. Rossi.
  6. Lol, knob >_< Tim I do hope yer gonna shed some hair before you go on the trip >_< Rossi.
  7. You bastads >_< Get some good footage!! lol, have fun, it'll be awesome. Rossi.
  8. Rossi

    New Video

    Lo, Posting this link for an unvalidated member called Ginger Kyle (rides T-rex). He's just bought a video camera and made a lil' video from it. Tis a good first video anyway. 15 years old too, and he's tappin houses. Here's the Linkage Errm, any comments would be appreciated I think. Ta Rossi. EDIT: Forgot to mention, Cultiv8ed Matt's also in it, along with Jason from Blackpool. And kyle laughs like a rabbit :(
  9. Yeah nick, you bellend. :blink:" wossi.
  10. You are a god, even though you ride a Shitbull.
  11. Ahem, :"> me too. lol Rossi.
  12. Rossi

    How Often?

    ^_^ Them Tayo chains are very pants, in my experience anyways. KMC Kool.. 3-5 months I'd say. Or in Matt Arkwright's case, a few years, didnt think to replace it, dumb lad. :- Rossi.
  13. Delicious! That editing was good, especially the intro. Good riding too. Is it me, or is the quality not up to standard. Anyway, good shizzle Schtan. Rossi.
  14. You silly boi :o Remember when you was eyein that sidehop up when I first met you. You sed 'no chance' now you can do it, nutter. Rossi.
  15. Yeah, all friggin 20 of you, probly more, in my passion wagon. Get the train shitpoolers. I mean, Brians van! lol Or... just ride it! What an idea! Lazy things. Rossi.
  16. Dipper, thats true. But how you gonna get there? Persuade Brian/James/Jim? Rossi.
  17. It will be a b*****d for people gettin the train to get to Morecambe I think. A lot of people have had to miss out in the past, if there was a ride on Sundays, I know I have. Maybe Saturday is the day. I dont know. Rossi.
  18. I'll go as long as it's ont weekend. Rossi.
  19. Lovin them vids. Different type of music used in natty vid.. I thought it went well (N) good choice, makes a change from most trials vids. Nice riding too, hard to make a natural video 'watchable' imo, but that was good. It's about time Damon got some publicity, he needs to start makin vids himself, such a good rider. He can do more than just sidehop to, lol. Rossi.
  20. Exculsive lol. I might go on the 4th July (on trials bike obviously), monday night, after work. Just need to find the bloody place then lol. Gonna be tough, finding Interact was hard enough, and that was in shitty lil Burnley, never mind Liverpool. Rossi.
  21. Amen to that plan. Gotta get time off work now ! :) Rossi.
  22. 46% chav, arrgh. :) Rossi.
  23. GET BACK you BASTARDS!!!! Delicious idea Timotei!! Cannot wait. Not guaranteed to get time off work though :/ Rossi.
  24. Rossi

    New Vid

    I've watched it so many times. It's just so watchable. Some brill riding in there, not to mention your falls lol. Awesome! Is that Hebden Bridge by any chance? Rossi.
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