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About misson_prodigy

  • Birthday 12/15/1984

Previous Fields

  • County (UK Only)
    West Yorkshire
  • Real Name
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    mission prodigy,magura hs33s, onza bars/stem/pedals,, sticky finger tyres
  • Country

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    trials, motor bikes, and days out with girlfriend and daughter
  • Location

misson_prodigy's Achievements

Trials Newbie

Trials Newbie (1/9)



  1. ye 3 weeks bin ridding still crap my daughters got better ballance than me lol
  2. im thinking of goin disc at front is it a good idea or should i stick with hs33?
  3. hi done it with water wow can tell the diffrence straight away goner go have a little play now and test them properly cheers
  4. hi all who replyed i have just bled my brakes in the sink as shown on that vid you put on and they are mint as now never been so responsive and no more brakes sticking once again thanks
  5. hi i snaped one so only got the front origanal lever i do like these jullie ones the lever its self feels nicer with my fingers ,just my opinion though budy i would like to keep the jullie levers so could i use water in these ,some one told me oliv oil but think they wer winding me up lol
  6. will that be ok with my levers ive put the jullie levers on now the one with the resivour pots on the lever were you just pop cap of to fill up?
  7. ,,,,,,,,,,,,ok so should i try that oil? is it thinner ?
  8. ive been using dot 5 car brake fluid is this ok or whats best to use im having alot of trouble seting them up and go to wales at end of week with it
  9. i have the jullie levers i got these a week a go they have the resiviour on th lever so you just fill the pot ive been using dot 5 car brake fluid
  10. hi pads ar of ebay was £8 for 2 all bolts are tight,i did bleed brakes may bee some brake fluid got on it also whats best fluid to use? and hows best way to bleed them
  11. hi there i have magura hs33s and just got new red pads but they make a screetching when braking and some times the brakes are fine then sudenly il go to hop a gap or drop of and they dont work they go to the bars ive tried bleeding them wel how ive been told to but nothing works ive changed the levers to jullies ,will this affect it ? any help would be grate as im going to wales on it at the end of the week cheers nath
  12. hi all ! new to this site yesterday im looking for places in and out of leeds area im not that good though as only been doing it 2-3weeks ,gets a bit lonely out riding by your self as my mates arent in to it , so any suggestions would be good
  13. only been riding 2 weeks any tips as im crap?

  14. just wondered if some one can help i want to up load picks of my bike but dont no how?
  15. hi im in thorner ,more towards wetherby way
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