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Everything posted by asifcml

  1. I've just started trials having rode bmx and 26" dirt jump hardtail for 6 years and i bought a 24" marino trials bike and really love it. It's ideal in the park and on the street
  2. basicaly anything with sugar will give you a quick rush of energy but if you really want energy have alot of carbs. A good spagetti or lasange the night before will keep you goin, trust me i ride trials but i also do long distance running and weight training so nutrition is a big part of my life.
  3. Haha thanks so cheap option out the window
  4. Energy drinks are not a good sports drink at all. They seriously dehydrate you plus the "boost" of energy is just the large amount of sugar in them. My friend had 3 monsters and no water and after a hours riding passed out and had to go to hospital and was put on a drip till he could drink himself a few hours later. Stick to lucozade body fuel ...If you are to drink them stick to just one and drink water or lucozade or gatorade or something aswell as, 'cause i know they taste absolutly gorgeous (:
  5. I hear you can bleed HS33 brakes with water but is it the same for magura louise carbons? as i have one on my front and is due for a bleed.
  6. Hi my name's callum, I'm 20 years old and used to ride bmx from 04-06 then went to dirtjump for a few years then stopped for a while. I recently moved down to wisbech from my home town hartlepool to find there was no where to ride here so I got hold of a 24" marino trials bike and love it, it's so easy to find ride spots and I think I've picked it up pretty well. Here's a pic of my bike anyway comments on improvments welcome as i have no idea about the whole trials world.
  7. I'm new to trials I've rode dirt jump and bit of bmx over the past 6 years but bought this marino today and to be honest i quite like it and have picked up the style quite fast. Here's a pic of my bike anyway
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