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Everything posted by Azarathal

  1. So no more 180's on a straight bit of road? Mondays gonna be interesting. I've got to fettle some mdf rings into clearing my door cards so I can fit my 6.5" speakers (standard is 5"), swap the roof lining for a black one, sound deaden the doors + roof and if I have time the rest of the car, new door seals, fit reversing camera and sort out some sticking sliders on the front brakes. Anyone wanna come play cars with me?
  2. It's an Ariza solo, round two commenceth! Also, manager at work puts on small time festivals and gigs / plays in a band and promoted and Etc etc. Gets loads of free tickets for gigs at Sub89 in Reading, mentioned Snoop Doggs playing sub and he's gunna try get me some free tickets! I know it's his shitty dj set but it's still the motherf**king D O double G
  3. Crisis over, I'll tap that extra feed into the reverse loom to use it as a signal wire to the reverse switch feed on the HU.
  4. So bought a sony CCD reversing camera (same resolution as my double din) but it's confusing as f**k. It obviously has a dc jack to +/- to wire into the revering loom but the phono cable also has a live running through it which is making me think what the f**k. Any ideas? No instructions to work it out but to be honest the rest is self explanatory.
  5. Prestigio phone? (Saw the box on the table). If so its a good thing you get a new warrantee with a new product because it'll go wrong again I work in Maplin and they've got a 60% return rate or something silly
  6. Sprayed a f**k load of carb cleaner into my throttle body today, not a proper clean but it no longer sticks open a after what (used to make a horrible wooshy sound and make the throttle jerky) and it pulls / revs a bit nicer too. It doesn't feel sticky anymore either. Gunna order a couple of gaskets and take it off for a more thorough clean.
  7. Good night, tomorrow will not be pleasant
  8. You never even rode trials Jardo
  9. So they don't want a fiat manager driving a fiat?
  10. Must be from recently being reversed into? Didn't notice it on the track day and that would normally wind me up
  11. Cheers! looks so much nicer than at curby just get the elbow grease out and polish the fooker Luke, from start to finish it only took me about 3hours today
  12. Cars clean, polished and waxed. Tried the demonshine snow foam thing but it was shit so resorted to autoglym car shampoo. Used G3 colour restor polish and paste wax. The polish was a bit of a pita as it dried out stupidly quick but the wax was fantastic. It's as good as it's gunna get (unless someone wants to mop It for me )
  13. Just saw a fat as fatass woman well into her 50's ragging an rx7 and an pap in a mobility scooter with a sparco harness. The small things amuse me
  14. Normally have a smoke too but nothing heavy. Heart is now fluttering on every single heart beat and is hurting so may be popping to A&E shortly
  15. Possibly My heart normally drops the day after a bender though, yesterday it was the opposite
  16. Yeah and I was meant to go for a 24hr ECG but lost the letter D: had a heart rate of 120+ for 12hours before Christmas and went to A&E and yesterday it was between 120-130 all day. Now it's about 50ish and fluttering like mad. Gunna phone my GP on my break and get them to re-refer me for my 24hr ecg
  17. Heart palpitations have kept me up since 6ish and feel horrible
  18. Think of it as something to pass the time rather than making it better
  19. I went with the £220 lg soundbar with wireless sub. Got it for £175 after I annoyed a friend into giving me discount and it's actually really decent. Thanks for the suggestions though
  20. Dem alloys are b8 as fuk m8 Although they do like nice
  21. Co-codamol is shit, when I f**ked my back I was given straight codeine and even at a 150mg dosage my back was still throbbing I was just too f**ked to care
  22. So, I bought this soundbar from work (£100 with staff price). http://www.amazon.co.uk/HTL2163B-SOUNDBAR-surround-Subwoofer-Bluetooth/dp/B00J01HSH8 The audio is absolutely shocking. It's louder/clearer than my TV but has worse bass than my 5 year old tesco own brand TV despite having a "sub". I know it's only 60w but I expected more. Going to return the POS tomorrow at work so I'll be needing some recommendations. Ideally after something 2.1, with Bluetooth. I'm open to anything speaker wise as long as it's actually decent (sound bars, amp+speaker etc). I was considering a couple of decent monitor speakers from work but they're phono input only. Ideally it'd have Bluetooth but it isn't a necessity. Fire away!
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