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Everything posted by Azarathal

  1. I drink about 2L of water a day and I'm normally running around work lifting shit around etc, I've always struggled with sleep but it comes at goes, I'll normally be up at 2am ish with it still feeling early
  2. So it's been over 3weeks where I've been averaging about 3-4hours sleep a night at best, smoking up / drinking / codeine doesn't help and it's doing my f**king head in. My eye bags are so big it looks like I've got two black eyes
  3. Deffo in for food! Cba to quote/edit on my phone though
  4. You know Dan can't actually see out the windows right?
  5. I think I'd rather my removable tops and mid engine than the full blown soft top shit
  6. 1. Tarty Adam 2. Bessell 3. Daniel James Anthony Delilah Cox 4. Stuart Thomas 5. Paul Oliver 6. Prawn 7. Rainbird 8. Jardo 9. Mikey pond 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Should have my new wheels/tyres and polybushes this time round! Bit more power too once I sort out the over fueling issue
  7. If you turn it outside down your nose becomes an alien
  8. Was there meant to be a comma in there?
  9. How much for a gopro?
  10. Had a crazy night, got with some I knew in front of her boyfriend, chundered on the bar and danced harder than I should have. I'm still not a functional human being but it was worth it
  11. The "jardine" Jardo was it you?
  12. Day off tomorrow and I've not been to the pub in a while (Thursday?) so hitting the vape before heading off into the tsunami
  13. I'll Skype you so you can be my co-driver
  14. Under 20mph, small bump with adverse camber unsettled it a bit, wish I had a dash cam
  15. Snap oversteer coming off a roundabout, completely sideways for a good 30ft, if I had another car in the lane next to me that would've been bye bye mr2, think my arsehole created diamonds at that moment in time holy f**king shit, somehow managed to steer out of it
  16. Any time I just need to know 4-5weeks In advance
  17. Don't know if anyone read my previous rant but I ended it tonight, still not sure how I feel about it but it wasn't going to last
  18. Become my mr2 fweind! Just in the gay version of the deuce
  19. I agree on the cost=smiles per mile thing, £600 per year insurance at 22 with 2years ncb + all mods declared, averaging 18-22mpg around town but will hit 38ish on a long run and the cost doesn't bother me, even though tax is roughly £250 a year it still outweighs it. I could be in a boring modern car but I think I'd only drive when I had to as opposed to to days like today, took the roof off and did about 35miles just randomly driving. In other news, I've been looking around and for £5k I could get a pretty sorted s14a, I could also get an R33 and even possibly an E39 m5. Not sure whether I should go for some slidey jap fun or a straight piped euro box. Hmmm...
  20. Sorta reminds me of the ninja albino from epic movie, fair play though I can barely handle the "hot" nandos
  21. Girlfriend basically never texts me, earlier I'm trying to arrange for us to go out, she doesn't respond for 90mins so I text her saying "guess we aren't doing anything then?". Apparently I should've told her I was ready blah etc blah, brought up some random shit she isn't happy with so I decided to do the same and she's "done". to be honest not really angry as such just meh, I feel like a travel lodge because she'll pretty much not text/speak to me all week, come over after uni on Friday and then after work on sat/sun tired and grumpy and fall asleep at like 9pm. Think I'm done too to be honest
  22. Snapchat is turning into a temporary blog so people don't have to put up with shit for an eternity
  23. Sharing the love <3 Plus you know as I've stuck with this job for almost 3years I can handle any shit coming my way
  24. But mike I have no curves
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