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Everything posted by Azarathal

  1. Is that why you had/have an mx5?
  2. I prefer the front end of a mk1 but hate the back, it's too scalectrix(sp?) for me
  3. Rat looks normally done on purpose you're just being mean
  4. Hopefully, completely undecided on either a trialsy set up 4play or a streety setup mod, wondering if any of the remaining local riders will have sold up before I get another bike though
  5. They are more of a drag / sprint than a pure track I think, I'm yet to drive one but I've read various comparisons and the conclusion is mx5's will take anything you throw at them whereas the mr2 can bite back. I've driven a few rwd cars and they all feel so much nicer to drive than many of the fwd cars I've had so decided my next car must be rwd, as I only turn 21 in january insurance prices limit car choice pretty much down to a e36/346 325 out of which I only really like the compact, the mr2 and an mx5. Looks wise the mr2 wins hands down in my eyes and after reading more and more into the car I fell in love
  6. Yet another mr2 wishful thinking post but as my dad is now actively searching for a clean example I'm certain I'll be getting the car either within the next week or so or early in the new year. This is currently on the want list.
  7. Whereas my first puncture since having the bike in over 2years was at radfest and I didn't get another until I sold the bike. The reason I didnt like the tyre much was the lack of grip / too squishy. George just found 2x almost new kenda kinetic 2.35's which came on the bike, when you get your 24 if you pay for postage you can have one to try on the rear. They weigh 1150g vs 600something on the fat Albert but were 10x better.
  8. I was wondering when I'd see this up here looking good man glad its actually getting some use!
  9. George you're a tgs bashing tank get a swampthing
  10. They're the best choice if you're going24 trials but still not great
  11. So my friend got diagnosed with paranoid depression just over a year ago and pretty much went awol about 6 weeks ago except for a quick phone call in which he seemed pretty bad, he randomly text me earlier wanting to do something but by the time i'd made the journey (30mins driving 15mins walking) he'd taken his meds and had crashed out. More upset than angry just needed a vent.
  12. Could never get lgms to work properly whereas my adms just worked regardless of grind / piss poor set up
  13. My shcity rover averages about 35mpg (fuel gauge is broken so spent 6months averaging fill ups) this is with possibly out of balance wheels, dodgy suspension, tires wearing quick and my exhaust blowing from under my seat
  14. Better than just having a tracker because they could just leave it in a specific area whereas heart rate can't easily be faked?
  15. Followed by a ghost wipe making me wonder if the event ever occurred.
  16. Nah you're already a dickhead the na's 30mpg is good enough for me but my thinking is if I could get 30mpg or thereabouts when commuting out of a tubby, switch maps and then fly when I want a bit of fun then I might as well. Is it a feasible idea?
  17. Forgive me if this is a stupid idea but I've been posting about getting an mr2 for a while now and I now have the funds to look properly. My first choice would be the mk2 rev3-5 na due to 30mpg average as opposed to a mk2 rev3-5 tubby. Could I install a switchable ecu for stock boost for a thrash and low boost for mileage. Would low boost / off boost get closer to the 30mpg mark? And would it still have the power of an na or would it be less? I'd post this on mr2 oc but using that site on a phone is a pita.
  18. Its not your opinion that annoys me as you're actually quite decent most of the time, it's the constant barrage of Marino brown nosing that gets me. I understand you want to support them but I've heard that name so often now I never want to see or hear of another Marino
  19. Guess you have no no claims for a car? I'm 20 with 3 years driving and a years no claims and on an mk2 mr2 I've been quoted as low as £800 with 900 being the average, the 268bhp turbo is 1100 and a e46 325 compact is about 1k.
  20. Buy the hope you want and buy a braided cable and fit it yourself bb7 front is incredible but was too flexy on the rear for me
  21. I prefer blog style posts like this rather than a few pics and a spec list, awaiting pt2
  22. You have a set of gloves just for fapping?
  23. Portable mirror wedged somewhere with the water dripping on it so it stays clear ish
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