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Everything posted by Azarathal

  1. So the pingis I bought worked really well, turns out I have quite bad damp under the front seats but it's starting to clear up.
  2. Found out this morning that a plethora of guinness, shots and dodgy kebabs leads to a horrific start to the day. Started work at 8 and i'm lucky we don't open to the public until 10:30
  3. Size 10 super skinnies here gotta buy my mr2 before another bike
  4. If your budget allows get 8gb 1866/2100mhz ram as both speed and memory are shared between the cpu and onboard gpu and will give the gpu a nice boost. I'd say get faster ram over a cooler now and use the stock until you've saved about £30-50 or so for a good heatsink and overclock both cpu+gpu. It means you won't have to try sell your old ram if you go for the 4gb posted above and gives you time to read up on overclocking. Sorry about the wall of text.
  5. Georges skinnies have nothing on mine really craving anther bike now I've seen this
  6. Few weeks ago litecoins seemed favourable for profit
  7. My CK classic skipped once within the first week of me owning it (the hubs from '06 I think), I took it apart, cleaned everything up, (carefully) stretched the spring to f**k but played about with it after making sure everything went back correctly) and just used a drop of finish line on the splines. In the 3years I owned it it didn't skip again and was probably the loudest king I've heard
  8. In multithreaded apps i7>i5 and not particularly, the 2600k overclocked worse than the 2500k but the 2700k was similar. Ivybridge+haswel suffer from heat issues due to the glue bonding the ihs to the die is too thick for suffient heat transfer through the thermal paste (as opposed to 1st+2nd gen iSeries which had their ihs soldered). Interestingly though the "it won't work" argument for intel using paste instead of solder on the latest two iSeries chips is bullshit as the sb-e and ivy-e chips were soldered, it's just to gimp the chips overclocking headroom allowing the sb/ivy-e chips to appear better and to also save money.
  9. Which quad core though? The 2500k will hit 4.5ghz easy, ivy bridge and Haswel will struggle. Don't forget not every chip is the same so one might get 4.5+ with a tiny bump in vcore and one might only reach 4 with a huge bump. If its a biggish company i'd go for either an i7 or the Xeon variant and save some money/ballache with a cheaper mobo/no need to spend out for a decent cooler.
  10. Looking to potentially sell my rig as I don't use it nowadays (console gaming is easier in short stints plus friends can easily joint in coop etc) and I have my laptop/phone for general browsing. Specs are currently: i5 2500k @ 4.5ghz stable Asrock extreme6 mobo Silver arrow sb-e (keeps overclock <60c) Kingston hyper x grey @1600mhz 1.55v Msi twinfrozr III 6950 2gb @ 880core (forget mem speed) Samsung 830 pro (will probably keep for laptop) WD green 500gb storage drive Xfx 650(maybe 750w can't remember) silver modular psu Fractal Arc midi r2 It's a stupidly clean build (cable management took a good hour or so) and although a lot is dated the cooler + fans (spectre pro 140mms), psu, case and mobo are less than 6month old. Any guesses?
  11. Azarathal

    PC Help

    +1, uninstall your graphics driver and install the latest off the web
  12. 2x 450g pingis on order, anyone know of a product similar to Ozium I can get in the uk? Got some questionable smells I need rid of.
  13. You'll find it the moment you finish re-doing the work
  14. That looks quite good to be honest, I'll read some reviews after work cheers jake
  15. Got about £1-150 budget, any recommendations?
  16. Mine lasted 3months? Which was probably more like 4-5 rides, snapped on one of my first ever up to fronts
  17. When I was a kid I'd only eat bread and butter at restaurants followed by baked potatoes and chicken. Now I'll eat most things. My girlfriend pretty much only eats chicken dippers, oven pizzas etc and hates anything healthy.
  18. My answer to "you spend too much on this or that" Is so what? It's my money and I'm not in debt so I'll buy what I want
  19. What would you guys recommend I try? Currently normally only drink Peroni/Stella/Guinness, tried Bavarian gold the other day which was well nice, kinda like Stella but without as much fizz.
  20. Left school with only two "real" gcse's (I don't count anything lower than a C a proper pass, B in physics and C in chemistry. Did the zenos thing and got my mcdst, a+, n+ etc. Worked in a shitty bike shop for 2-3years, then in a bar and now In maplin as a sales advisor. Turning 21 soon and really ought to look into a career.
  21. Parked a road down from cockfosters station and getting the tube from here. Sorted.
  22. So I'm going to London tomorrow for new years, can't afford a hotel so I'll be driving there / back. Gunna go to winter wonderland during the day and fireworks at south bank at night driving back about 1/1:30am. Where do I park? Only times I've driven to London was to drop my sister off at hers (permit parking only) and its northwest so out of the way anyway.
  23. My city rover insurance is £1200 a year, to go insure a e36 328i it'll be £100 less and it'll go down when I'm 21 in jan. A e36 323i costs me £800 and a mk2 mr2 turbo would be about £1k so I don't understand how yours Is so high? I've only got one years no claims
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