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Everything posted by Azarathal

  1. Can't get 3" gaskets off the shelf anywhere in Bracknell, fitting it might have to wait for a suitable gasket from the bay unless anyone reckons paste would hold until the weekend?
  2. New exhaust is arriving tomorrow, Blitz Nur spec R, includes the 2.25"-3" custom decat as its meant to be for a turbo mr2 but it's going on my na luckily it comes with a bung as YouTube videos of the na on a rolling road are claiming 120db without
  3. Do these polishes designed for dark cars actually do anything more than regular polishes? On a "I need yet more car care product" mission I noticed the meguires dark polish. Also, cosmos blue mk2 mr2, in bright direct light is a lavender sort of purple, sunlight it's dark purple and any low light and it's a deep blue almost black. I know t-cut is considered shit tier but looking at similar products designed for properly cleaning up paintwork which would be best? Or is the answer to the first paragraph all I need?
  4. You must be getting those granny escorts and talcum powder if you think £80 will cover it in seriousness though he was asking which route to take, you've told him he can sort it but no suggestion how.
  5. I'm trying to cut her loose but I don't like being a complete arsehole and hate upsetting people. Yeah I only smoke up nowadays and I've cut it down a hell of a lot
  6. Currently feeling like a complete and utter shitcunt. TL:DR version only. Girlfriends pissing me off day in and day out Considering ending it but I am happy with her Don't end it She invites herself out with me and my mates Kicks off because she went out and we didn't pick her up She was out with her friend Wut? She starts argument She breaks up with me to prove some kind of point (apparently because she only drinks she isn't cool enough for me) Instead it hits a switch No longer want to be with her but take her back because feelings and shit you'kno? Fast forward to Monday It's our two years Don't eat all day so I can buy her a card because I'm -£60 and literally have no money Card isnt good enough, she kicks off again Breaks up with me I'm not taking her back this time, she's randomly turned up twice now, kicking off, then crying, then normal repeat etc Told her I'm stupidly busy with decorating so don't come round 5 missed calls and a voicemail telling me I'm a coward, go do drugs and die, I'm dead to her etc Keeps sending me soppy texts and not leaving me the f**k alone SO. Believe it or not thats the f**king TL:DR version, I feel like a genuine fanny, I don't want to give her hope but I don't just want to completely shut her out because I still care that she's upset. I really don't know what to do now :/
  7. Impress him with wheelies and skids and charge him £80 for 3 trials lessons.
  8. I'm yet to even make abs kick in in the mr2
  9. Looking at getting some carbon parts for the mr2 but they come un-lacquered, lookin at front lip and side vent scoops. Could I easily lacquer them myself? Looking at getting a nice gloss to match the paint (when clean)
  10. Did anyone go to the vw show yesterday? I forgot it was on despite it being about 2minutes from mine
  11. Won't the talc be a bit harsh? Also in the same boat as you, fancy tracking the mr2 but don't want to get hit or push off by other faster, much more experience drivers
  12. Japfest tomorrow! Up at 4:30 to prep the car aesthetically, didn't end up sorting my steering gremlins and now it's developed a sway on low speed up and downy roads yet surprisingly when I push It harder it drives absolutely fine, don't think I'll take it on the track tomorrow as I don't want to damage it further nor potentially lose control due to the issues. Still undecided whether to bother sleeping
  13. Last I checked I'm native to here and I'm a man, you imply men aren't native
  14. Digital sources require a fair bit more current than analog, hence why when the "digital switchover" happened many people found it harder to get a picture in poor signal areas
  15. This exactly, I'm all for having different cultures and so on but practically forcing Hallal meat upon others simply to cater to a non-native culture is bollocks, what about the extremists enforcing shariah law in places? Someone I work with is Muslim and we discuss things like this quite often, he even agrees that this country is bending over backwards to follow cultures from all over the world.
  16. This is probably just a retardsd ex-colleague spouting crap but "apparently" as the hdmi cable/ports carry electrical current when you plug something in when both tv and device are turned on you can short the socket. I seriously doubt it but maybe there's some truth.
  17. Fancy giving me a hand?
  18. So, japfest is next Saturday, only just been payed so only just ordering 4x ball joint, 4x drop link and 2x trackrod ends. These havent been changed yet in the mr2's 15year life so the bolts will be f**ked, I have limited tools and no cash to buy more or pay labour and no days off between now and japfest. How likely am I to get it done? Haha
  19. Forgot to mention in my previous post, what's going on with the TF car meet?
  20. You know what I mean gunna be pretty sweet actually having some car friends and I get to go japfest. Any of you f**kers going this year?
  21. So one of my neighbours owns a +/- 500bhp scooby and has a spare japfest ticket, just checked and I have that weekend and the following week off! Win!
  22. Inside of the car clean! Cleaned and treated the leather and despite cleaning the car Saturday thanks to the rain yesterday my car needed a quick wipe over with some quick detail spray.
  23. Decided as I've got a good few hours cleaning my car tomorrow i'd get my mechanic to do my exhaust instead. Exhaust is fitted and sounds incredible but now theres a white scratch on the inside edge of the spoiler from one end to the other and lacquer scratches on the boot, last time he put a popper sized dent on the side he changed my cam belt and it shredded two alternator belts after he'd touched it. Could all be coincidental but I dont think I'm gunna let him near my car again. Oh and to top it off he didn't use the gaskets I provided on the exhaust either so I've gotta drive it a bit more to see if it's leaking.
  24. Dad told me he has axle stands, jack, blowtorch etc and we'd get the exhaust on tonight, get back home and he tells me it's too late :l wouldn't have bothered going back until late tonight if I'd known so and hours worth of my time and petrol wasted.
  25. I'm guessing plus gas is a lot better than the Halfords brand penetrant spray I've been using? Where would I get a can from say tonight after work gone 6:30? I've got a soldering iron with blowtorch tip so I'll give it a shot using that too
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