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Everything posted by AndrewG

  1. yep I think the same but he´s riding competitions too ! in same category as Sam Oliver ...
  2. Hi. Here´s the new video of really nice rider from Czech Republic . This is his first full video on 26" and I think he´s ride as beast here is it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4ebWXmFza8 enjoy BTW he´s 17....
  3. Great video man love that
  4. he´s should manage by rule "quality is more than quantity" His videos are goes boring... all the time same riding spots, same moves..... anyway he´s riding nice but needs new places for videos IMO
  5. Viz 150x25 should be great IMO... 150x30 will great too
  6. I think it´s because ozonys made curve V2 which have 1400 grams ...
  7. love that black ! but can you brake with brakes on sprayed rims ?
  8. 399€ on trial-bikes.com ;-)
  9. wait guys Damon is only "human"
  10. did you do that 160cm with this or with curve ?(trialtech components on FB says about that) hmm drilled rear rim ? crazy bike looks great
  11. oh my god ! this is best 24" bike if not 26" what I´ve ever seen ! awesome
  12. "This is a teaser trailer for the norwegian website Biketrial.no "
  13. looks fantastic mate hope see your new vid on this beast soon
  14. wow that is pretty dark I want my Gu complete in blackt too ! BTW can you make some photo from side ? want see how that forks looks on this frame (why is my frame more glossy ? )
  15. want summer 2011 :)

  16. I hope yes but in same weight ! TGS is not about light weight bikes
  17. Hi. Here is the photo of my GU after little update comments good or bad are welcome
  18. It´s trialtech 2bolt black booster I think ;-)
  19. AndrewG

    My Beast

    what brake rotor is it ? (I know,this topic is 3months old but I bend my BB7 rotor yesterday after 2days of riding...) EDIT: is it G2 CleanSweep ?
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