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Everything posted by madmanic

  1. at the moment i would just be happy with any bike to be honest im desperate to get a trials bike lol going to be good to see what people to say though
  2. had a really good look around the site and my mind has now been changed i ahve always thought that mod lloked to much like you were riding a bmx thats why i wanted something bigger but now i have started to like mod more. would still like stock in the future but for now im thinking of going mod thanks for the advice
  3. there is a full bike on ebay and they are asking £200 for it which seems a bit much to me when there are others on there and bidding starts at £20. most the bikes on there are way to far for me to collect and the expensive one is only 20mins drive. sods law lol
  4. cant find much info on base t19's on google. how much are they roughly worth, seen one for sale but nothing majoryly wrong just a tear in the seat and a few scratches also are they any good for beginners?
  5. i ahve got all this pain and hurt to look forward too and i cant wait
  6. what a small world lol just seen you from wigan. me too live in ashton-in-makerfield
  7. been looking at a base t20 and just wondering if its any good for learning on?
  8. hello everyone, my name is paul and im from wigan near manchester. not actually got a trials bike but been wanting to get into it for years so at the age of 25 i have decided its now or never. looking for a cheapish bike if anyone is selling, been looking at onza bird or t-bird but really want a 24" but will stick with the 20" while learning i think. looked around the site and looks really good. cant wait to be able to post on the full site.
  9. thanks for the reply the onza bird looks like a good reply and i have looked at it a few times as it always comes up as a good beginner bike when i have searched but im still not sure about the 20" frame. been looking on ebay and think thats what im going to end up doing unless someone on here is selling an onza bird cheap
  10. i have just signed up so first things first i would just like to say hello to everyone and say how much i like the site. had a quick look around and very impressed with all the information and advice on here been looking at getting into trials for ages now and the time is right now but i have a few questions to ask before i get a bike. main question is about the bike its self. been looking at the sizes and im not sure which size to go for. not struck on the 20" so the choice is between 24" and 26". are there any major differences between them? as im only just starting im not looking at spending to much on the bike so does anyone know anywhere to get a cheapish bike? or if anyone on here is selling one in the manchester area please let me know thanks in advance for any advice paul
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