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Everything posted by madmanic

  1. cheers so basically i either fill it with water or buy a service kit! brilliant. more money
  2. surely doing that under water fills your line with water or am i just being thick? and i need to know how i put the oil in befor i bleed any air out
  3. even though i have always used hydraulic brakes i have always just took the bike to my local store when i need them looking at just because its easier. today i had a slight fall knocked the brake line out of the lever and have now lost my front brake. rode round to my local bike store and asked him to sort it and he told he he has stopped doing them as they are to time consuming,he had no other work on but didnt have the time to sort it for me. now i have fixed the line back to the lever and got the mineral oil but i have no idea what to do now as i have never done it before. i have looked for ways to bleed the line and since i dont have a bleed kit looks like im going to have to water bleed it. but my question is - where do i put the oil? do i undo the bolt on the lever and put it in there? or do i put it in on the cyclinder near the rim?
  4. saturday sun rising soon. full day riding to try and learn to balance

  5. ill be doing mine soon but i have experience spraying and will be using a compressor not spray cans its simple and cheap to do it yourself
  6. i agree with smiffy. i have been riding mountain bikes for years now and have always opted for hydraulic rim brakes instead on disks. dont know why just prefer them. i would suggest try riding a bike with a disk before you go buying
  7. riding with a swollen knuckle makes it hard to grip the bars

  8. very useful video but to be honest i dont care which way i hop lol as long as i hop. but backwards may help me keep my balance more i seriously cant wait but have to keep reminding myself i have had the bike only a few days and it will take time
  9. mega eager to learn i have been out on the bike again trying to get the bounce going and im pleased to say i have managed a few. not mastered it but i can get a couple of bounces going just need to learn how far to lean back and how high to lift the bars thanks for the advice guys
  10. i know it takes time but its really frustrating as without being able to balance there is little i ran do. only been riding 2 days and have managedto learn to swap from front wheel to back wheel. cant quite land the back wheel on the same spot the front wheel was on but can go far enough to get me up a kerb. my arms and shoulders are hurting. done about 7 hours of riding yesterday and today
  11. i have tried hopping when on the back wheel but i cant balance long enough to start hopping. cant seem to find the balance point of he bike but will try and hop more if that will help. i have been trying to get the blance right without hopping. will change my technique next time im on the bike
  12. already using that site. mastered the trackstand easily from years of mountain bike riding. just need to get confident on the bike with lifting the bars high as it feels un-natural.
  13. i can get onto the back wheel but i struggle to keep it there. just need to practice i know but its very frustrating
  14. been searching you tube for vidoes for tips but cant find any. i have only just started learning and can just about get the front wheel up and balance for a few seconds but i think i have the wrong technique once my front wheel is up im keeping my brakes full on and trying to balance the bike using my body but should i be releasing the brake and using the crank to keep the wheel inthe air? only been riding for 2 days so dont want to get into bad habits.
  15. i have only just started trials and im the same. got a 2nd hand onza and im hoping to upgrade to a stock eventually when i have learnt the basics. all depends if you want to carry on riding mod or change.
  16. lol i know thats the best way to do it but i probaly wont lol. wanna learn everything straight away the one i can see me struggling with is balancing on the back wheel. cant quite get the balance right. either lean to far back or dont lift it high enough
  17. finally got a bike. spent tonight just getting comfortable on it. doing small hops, endo's and trying to balance. but where do i start to learn trials? what should i start learing first im guessing i need to learn to balance on the back wheel but its not as easy as it looks so any tips?
  18. upload it to an external site like photobucket then just post the link
  19. what the f**k? all i asked was a simple question im a noob trying to get into the trial bike scene and im looking for a bike and 2 days after joining the site im getting abused for making a simple mistake that i said sorry for straight away, is this the way all noobs are treated. the whole part of being a noob is that you make mistakes. am i going to get abused if i fall off my bike the first time i ride it and are you going to start asking who sells bikes to "THESE PEOPLE" and for your info within reason means im not driving 300 miles to collect a bike it doesnt mean i need a reason to collect it
  20. ah right sorry thought that was just for selling
  21. not bothered with it price was to high as it didnt even come with the reefer wheels they looked like some wheels off a £50 bike from halfords oh and thank you for replying so quick as well
  22. the bike i was watching on ebay has sold for alot more than i was willing to pay so i will try here has anyone got a cheap 20" bike? need a full bike really not just the frame. need it as cheap as possible and soon lol was hoping to pick one up tomorrow im willing to travel to collect it but within reason.
  23. i ahve just moved house so my budget is basically as low as i can possibly get a bike just dont want to spend to much on a bike and get it and its crap for learning on got to take into consideration collection as well as i dont want to be driving too far
  24. if i can get it cheap though will it be ok? wanted a 20" bike but if its cheap enough i might take it
  25. need an answer as quick as possible is a mission reefer 26" a good bike for a beginner? thanks in advance for any help
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