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Everything posted by madmanic

  1. wasnt on my bike. was getting close to going home and still had loads to do so instead of walking round the wall i went to jump it. but was slightly to close. lifted my right leg and pushed with my left but because i was to close i hit the wall instead of clearing it. would of been ok if i had hit the flat edge but i hit the corner point so it just went straight in ad the 3 flat edges just acted likes knives slicing throught flesh, muscle and tendons lol
  2. the first bail at the end is funny lol. there the type of bails i hate doing when people are watching lol good video and loved the music
  3. finally the snow and ice has gone. got some new tyres, freewheel, pedals and cranks ready for alot of riding in spring but on friday 14th while at work i managed to smash my knee into the corner of a brick wall. was very painful especially when i saw the blood pumpig through my pants. rolled up my pants leg to reveal a large hole in my leg with what looked like some tissue bits sticking out. anyway after a quick ride to hospital in an ambulance and various doctors stick there fingers in the hole and feeling around they decided i need an op. the op was origianlly just to wash the wound properly to make sure there are no bits of brick left in. this invloved slitting my knee all the way across and peeling the skin back, when they did this apparntly a piece of my thigh muscle was flapping around. the brick had made a neat slice straight through the muscle connecting to my knee. not sure how long it is going to take to heal but i now have my leg in a splint for at least to weeks to stop the muscle ripping again. only picture i managed to take is below. this was before the adrenaline wore off and the pain kicked in lol
  4. yeah. the but the bike was second hand when i got it and it had not been looked after so the bearings are on their way out anyway and the first time i did it i forgot to tighten the rear one properly and it got loads of crap in it. i try and do them every so often just to keep it running as smooth as possible. still going to get sealed though
  5. would love to do mototrials but cant afford one plus have no where to keep one
  6. i to posted loads of times asking this question and no matter how many times people gave me tips or which videos i watched they never helped i basically went out every day for a month and practiced. start from an endo and get on the back wheel easiest way i found to do it was. endo then rock onto back wheel a few times then endo and rock to back wheel and bounce once a few times then endo and rock to back wheel and bounce twice a few times you get the picture. when i was just trying to bounce like the guys in videos on here it just didnt work. the tutorials i found on the net make it look simple but i know how frustrating it is when you just cant do it
  7. i to have this problem with my bearings on my onza and have to strip clean and rebuild them every few weeks and they never run perfectly smooth im looking at getting sealed but need to sort my freewheel, cranks and pedals out first lol
  8. i have only been riding a couple of months and i rekon i could make a vid better than that lol
  9. i know the feeling how stupid am i to even try and ride on metal ramps outdoors in this weather.
  10. this is exactly what i was planning on doing but managed to fracture my wrist before we even had any snow lol
  11. went out yesterday for a little ride. town centre was a bit busy so opted to go to the local skate park. rode onto the park hopped onto a small 1ft box, back wheel slipped on a patch of ice, ribs into the edge of the box, hand out to stop fall = fractured wrist worse bit is i started 3 weeks holiday on wednesday and was going to spend the whole time on the bike.......not now
  12. i have got a brand new maxxis maxx daddy tyre sat here you ca have for £10 posted if you want it. its 20x2.25 just let me know
  13. if they pay via paypal you can get their details off that. otherwise click on the persons name who bought the item and ask them how they are going to pay and for anaddress
  14. i have only be riding a couple of months and before i started i spent ages watching videos teaching you how to ride but they didnt seem to help as the main part is balance and no videos can teach you balance
  15. its better than the usual "wheres your seat?" question
  16. i use water in the summer and switch to oil in the winter. only problem is i never actually remove all the water and on really cold days the tiny amount of water still in there freezes
  17. that fall outside the church or whatever it is where your wheel slips and your ribs take the landing looks like it hurt. but nice to see you just getting on with it
  18. my brakes used to squeek but have stopped squeeking now. but they still hold just as good and thats all that matters to me
  19. only a few weeks back i had been out riding all day. 30 seconds from home i riding along a low wall. when i stopped to hop off i lost balance pushed the bike away but landed with my chest on the end of the bars that were stuck up. the bruise and swelling has gone but im not left with a dent in my chest bone in between my ribs
  20. thanks guys but managed to fix it befor reading. basically there was just loads of crap clogging the threads up so i did what you said. gripped the pin and forced the red bit round by putting a screw driving against the little square and pushing. couple of the threads on one of the adjusters got damaged but its ok. cleaned them out and greased them back up and fitted. they are not perfect as they both need new adjusters but at least they are working. just waiting for my syringe from tarty and my brakes will be as good as new thanks again for the help
  21. so how do i fix it then? its the red bit to adjust it that is stuck and i cant turn it
  22. the TPA on my magura levers seems to be jammed. can see the screw move slightly but wont turn and since i will be bleeding my brakes this week need to get it working. any ides how i can get it loose again?
  23. rolling along the path at about 5 miles an hour when i decided to cross the road. little hop off the curb, while in the air realised i was heading for some glass put one foot down as i landed, ankle span round. i had damaged all the ligaments etc in my ankle. turned black instantly. to make it worse i couldn't drive and couldn't afford a a taxi so had to then walk a mile to the bus stop sit on the bus for 30mins then walk another 2 miles to the hospital, then do it all again on the way back home
  24. my bike is kept outside so in the winter i would have to drain the lines everytime i had finished with it and then re-bleed it everytime i wanted use it again. ill just order the pipes off tarty
  25. yeah just looked on tarty, can get the syringe and tubes for £8 so im happy again now. kind of got used to riding with no front brake today
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