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Little Dal

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Everything posted by Little Dal

  1. Cheers to be honest not much popping and stuff want to learn pedal kicks so bad lol what can you do were about in essex are you from ?
  2. Heya all is anyone from basildon or close to Basildon and would like to got for a ride 1 day then its nice and dry ? or know any good spots near Basildon that i could try out thank you. Dal
  3. haha thats great nice and cheep too lol thank you !!!
  4. oh oki i see thank you for explaining it i might just stick with you one i got for the time being i have one question do you know were you can get black gold or yellow rim tape from please for 26" drilled rims ? Dal
  5. oh oki is there any chance you could get me a pic please ? so i can see what you mean ? Dal
  6. oh oki not sure really its a nice ride as it is its got a bash guard on it at the mo works great i can post a pic if you want me to ? Dal
  7. that for you feedback guy i just got new pads on the back and they are great they work lovely and much would you say a cheap middleburn crank would be ? Cheers Darren
  8. Heya All Im Darren im 18 and i ride a BT Raven 6.0 i have bean riding about a month now and loving ever minute riding i bought the bike off my brother as it is, is there any was to make it better or just leave it as it is. ? all i know about it it has got Hope hubs. echo bars. BT stem. Onza pedal arms. BT Raven 6.0 short frame. V8 pedals. HS33 front and back. STS chain tensioner. thats all i really know . Darren
  9. My first Trials bike its a BT Raven 6,0 short
  10. Heya Im Darren Im new to trials i ride a BT Raven 6.0 short had it about a month now slowly getting there lol im 18 from essex i ride when ever i can witch it quite a lot lol i also do Power Bocking and im a Freestyle Kite Bugger hope to meet some of you at some point .! Happy Riding Darren
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