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About Cerberus

  • Birthday November 4

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  • County (UK Only)
    West Yorkshire
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  • Gender
  • Interests
    My interests include: spending time with the kids, riding, exercising, reading,

Cerberus's Achievements

Trials Newbie

Trials Newbie (1/9)



  1. Trialtech Race Square Taper and Onza T-bird crankset a good combo?
  2. Anybody tell me which would be a good, strong bottom bracket and crankset please? At moment I'm running Taper, don't know size haven't got tool for it yet On the cheapish side thanks and would I be better swapping to an ISIS type? Ta much in advance..
  3. So questions 1) anyone else a late learner? 2) what are good locations to learn? 3) are trials bikes easier to learn tricks on that MTB's? The gearing looks well different, so I'm guessing that makes it alot easier to loft the front wheel? Thanks folks - looks like a good forum.
  4. Personally I've found cages better, but as been said if you slip make sure you have a claw hammer to take the teeth out of your shins
  5. Thanks for the replies, thought I would get advice! Josh I really like that bike, pity no pedals ;-)
  6. In need of a spot of help, which size bike would be suitable for myself? I'm 6ft 1", weighing just short of 13st. Would like a bike that aint gonna fall apart after first couple of jumps and not gonna make me look like the BFG on a moped!! Cheers in advance!!
  7. Too true, all I can say is 'I might be 32, looking 40, but I'm feeling 20 again.
  8. Or you could look at the seat tube, look at the lad and say shite, your lass is still using the pole, tell her I need it back when you see her!!
  9. Don't worry i'd still be riding these at 59, sod the young 'uns, I'm one of these that'll be zooming down the road on his kids Razor scooter with teenagers looking at me as if I've got cells missing!!
  10. Wow, you have got to be the fastest Validated member Ive ever seen!

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  11. Big downer, heard yesterday. End of a great band
  12. Well if you're sad mate (tim_mx), I'm sadder, the oldest newbie. 32 years young living in West Yorkshire. Liked the look of trials, so thought "why not, you only live once, sod what people think!" Been riding mtb's for ever, make a change. I am just awaiting bike coming (probably not what is considered a proper trials, but i like the look of it), have a few questions, hopefully have considerate people explaining (in laymans terms), what's what. As an afterthought, just been reading few more threads, and surprised at how many people (of a certain age) are starting out like myself
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