I'm soon going to buy a new back-brake to my mod, but I can't deside if I'm going to buy my first disc brake or a new hs33.
and if hs33, should I go for an echo or magura ?
so what do you think ?
hi guys, yesterday I was going to clean my worldcat disc brake (I've never done that before) and when I took of the cap on the lever, the big seal flew out and I can't make it fit right
OK guys, I have changed the chain (it was to old anyway) but there is still this "cracking" sound, and sometimes if I spin the cranks backwards right after one of those sounds, it sounds like something crunches !
it sounds like it comes from the freewheel or the BB
please help me I'm almost to afraid to drive
Hi, I'm Alexander, I'm from sweden so that's why I talk bad english sometimes
Anyway, I'm driving a monty 220 frame with some other shit on
i've driven trial sins august 2009.
when I'm out driving, it something that cracks
anyone know what it is ? , it whasn't long time ago I changed freewheel, is it something with the chain or what ?