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liam n

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liam n last won the day on October 24 2011

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  • Real Name
    Liam Norwood
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    echo lite 2010 20" HS33/Disc & Echo pure 2012 26" Dual HS33
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  • Interests
    motorbike trials & water-sports.
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Trials Master

Trials Master (5/9)



  1. This sucks! We had to hire one of these vans last year and I could not believe the size of it! I bet it makes quite a comfy campervan. Any pictures of the bikes so everyone knows exactly what to look out for?!
  2. Brand New Magura HS33 2005s £40!!! Message me!

  3. Couple of clips from the weekend and just bought myself a shiny GoPro so had a wee play. Excuse terrible slow mo in this one wrong settings...
  4. Jet/Pressure wash is cheaper than buying paint (if you have a jet washer)....they dry like 10x quicker when they're clean. and they're less slippy when they're wet
  5. Featuring riding from all across the UK, from Glasgow Central to St Agnes Beach in Cornwall, this is the second instalment of Rich Pearson and Liam Norwood's 'International' films. Shot on location in Glasgow, Coventry, Bristol, Addingham Moorside, Pentewan, Barrow Farm and St Agnes. Rich and Liam would like to give thanks for the unwavering support they have had in 2013 from Three Sixty Bicycle Stunt Team, Heatsink Bikes, Onza and Trials Addict, as well as thanking Ash Kennard and Ross MacArthur for their assistance in the making of this video. http://vimeo.com/73885213
  6. right on, thanks bud, we'll find somewhere to park and hopeflly for free...should see you tommorow!
  7. If it ain't to wet we shall be heading to glasgow in the morn and edinburgh in the afternoon PM'd you cheers
  8. Hi guys Rich Pearson and I are in Ayr at the moment. We need to go from Ayr to Edinburgh so Glasgow is on route. Anyone game for a ride on sunday, in either Glasgow or Edinburgh?
  9. It's an 04 mag with RB Designs lever....I don't think they've made any since 2003 or something, but very comfy. Just ignore the bolts/washers holding the lever on. The very corner of the lever snapped off and it's been bodged like this for a year or two haha The Echo has the Fresh products lever blade on an 04 mag, can pick them up off ebay i think.
  10. liam n

    back pain

    My back is in pain at the moment, i thought it was from jumping off and jarring my back to often as that's when the pain seemed to start, It's a really sharp pain just to the right of my spine. But i went riding after a week and the pain came back after I tucked for a sidehop. I haven't changed geo for months so i'm hoping i've just pulled the muscle and it should sort itself out. I rested for a week and thought it would be long enough, but it wasn't and brought the pain back again. going to take a couple weeks off this time, I hate being off the bike, especially when it's dry!
  11. went Hook Woods pre champ yesterday! 5'd 2 laps worth of section, then 3/4 on about 5 sections i think haha, i need to get fit! are you going barrow in march for crowthorne? thanks!
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