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Everything posted by kaybs41282

  1. kaybs41282

    Bulking Up

    I was afraid you'd say that
  2. Very articulate 13 year old... She didn't say "innit" or "yeah" once
  3. kaybs41282

    Bulking Up

    Legend, I'm a massive fan of carbs and eat bread (particularly), potatoes and pasta like they're going out of fashion... Where do they fit in with the regime? Bad? Also trying to lose belly fat!
  4. kaybs41282

    Bulking Up

    How many shakes a day? Oh cool, I also do little trials, eat badly and drink far too much... I'm on the right line then
  5. I was talking about the show rather than the bird... I've seen him pull nicer than her
  6. kaybs41282

    Bulking Up

    Thanks for that I'm also looking for help with this. I need help building strength but don't wanna become obsessive. What's the deal with protein shakes? Any advice to build arm and upper body strength with very little time to spare??? Sorry for jumping in on the thread dude... JD what do you do in conjunction with the protein shakes? Just the above???
  7. What's wrong with a slammin DnB soundtrack??? Lol
  8. Loved that, very slick!
  9. Awesome Andrei is probably my favourite rider at the mo
  10. Head for heights those boys!
  11. I loved that, love the bit when you were riding through the reddy coloured leaves... Well shot!
  12. Love that bike, didn't love the brake slippage... Ouch!
  13. I'll always be crap at it but I get a lot of pleasure out of pottering on my bike, even though I know I'm not very good it doesn't matter.
  14. Yeah CNC backed LGMs just thought there maybe something better for my grind but they seem to be coming up trumps but also heard good things about heatsink yellows and blues
  15. Running them now so i'm at an advantage. Thanks for an educated, non patronising, logical answer
  16. I'll combat your unnecessary sarcastic comment with the following: 1) read the pad review extensively without a conclusive outcome 2) posted the exact same thing on the pad review 3) thanks for your suggestion, why aren't they for everyone?
  17. Hi guys, I've only got a lightish sharp grind which I'll probably let die and not grind too often. Which CNC backed Maggy pads would be best? I'm using a 4 bolt booster. I'm after serious bite, serious hold and a huuuuge honk!
  18. Hi guys, I've only got a lightish sharp grind which I'll probably let die and not grind too often. Which CNC backed Maggy pads would be best? I'm using a 4 bolt booster. I'm after serious bite, serious hold and a huuuuge honk!
  19. Yeah blame my camera! lol No the colour looks "deeper" than the koxx greens unless they are an old/new/obscure version
  20. Wow so this is even stumping the experts!
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