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Everything posted by kaybs41282

  1. kaybs41282


    I have some really f**king awful ones that are cheap as anything that I wear from trials as the other ones just fall off my face. I look like a proper cock in them so I think I need to bite the bullet and get some better/nicer ones. Contact lenses seem to be the answer, but as you say there is nothing worse than fighting on with them every morning. I wear them for XC days and my eyes are literally red trying to claw them out...monthlys may be a good option! ...or laser surgery Do they dry your eyes out dude or are they fairly unoticeable?
  2. I'll take it off your hands if you aren't using it if you are sure! Oh I never thought of that...I live a very clean and boring life so he would have to dig very hard!
  3. Loved that, I really fancy building up a hardcore hard tail all rounder
  4. I really fancy one of these... Anyone heard anything bad about them?
  5. I can't from my phone dude just type onza Zoot into eBay and you'll see it... Pink tyres!
  6. Haha you unforgiving bunch
  7. Gibby stop giving me stuff! That link doesn't work but it says it's chain reaction... Did you not make it?
  8. Hiya I'm after a work stand but don't want to spend a fortune. Does anyone have any makeshift solutions?
  9. Is bumping this (which I suppose I have too) not going to start everything again when it has been sorted!
  10. Not really the same but I had to modify some yellows to fit different backings today and a new Stanley knife goes through them like butter... But that was for a very minor adjustment!
  11. There was a zoot on eBay yesterday with sickly pink bits which may be useful?
  12. Bah! Humbug Edit: banana man or where's wally are neither smart nor sexy lol
  13. I was also shaking my head and sighing in an "I despair" fashion
  14. Haha I suppose it'd be a nice novelty then
  15. Yes, the lads at tarty that put the work in
  16. f**ked Up - Queen of Hearts. Watch the vid on YouTube it's BRILLIANT
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