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Everything posted by kaybs41282

  1. Cheers... That can go next on the list!
  2. I'm putting my foot over the top tube and kind of pulling the brake, putting my right foot on the wheel whilst kicking the frame with my left foot behind me (if that makes sense). How does the endo version work or is that what I'm doing? Should I be doing anything with the front wheel before pulling the brake to add momentum? Also, Ali what's the tail whip type move you do on the hex vid where you move as well as the frame?
  3. Sarcastic but awesome nonetheless lol Basically I just want to know if I'm better off taking protein shakes or creatine and just wanted a quick summary as to why one may go down each route?
  4. Right, after getting annoyed with learning some of the more basic moves (due to crap weather and darkness restricting me) I've decided to leap ahead onto these. I'm starting to get it and get get the frame around 3/4 way round until i become unstuck..., any tips? I'm assuming pulling the front brake is cheating but is possibly advantageous when learning?
  5. Quick question; what is creatine? I've got weights at mine too if you ever fancy a training buddy? Also, I've got some of the strawberry total protein from myprotein which is really nice and v good service from them!
  6. Enough money to not have to think about money anymore....and these pins out of my elbow
  7. Hmmm, sounds a bit gay to be honest
  8. Equally as horrific; "Signed by Katie"....
  9. Mines a nice tweed gilet with flies attached
  10. Forget that, I've moved on to another fad now.... What does everyone think of fly fishing?
  11. Sign of the times when goodwill and acts of friendship are seen as sinister and suspicious.... Sad
  12. What did you get and where was it from? In other news, amazingly check out Sam Pilgrim (of dirt jump/slopestyle/freeride fame) on his
  13. Prof. Brian Cox and Karl Pilkington. Both at opposing ends of the spectrum but just as interesting none the less
  14. Yeah I was really shocked....some were like £250 second hand!
  15. I thought at least one person would have seen the attraction
  16. I'll be honest, she's got a little kiddie scooter and I've got a skateboard... We went to the skatepark earlier and did a swap and I had lots of fun on it. But I take your point about the bmx, I guess I just think the scooter looks easier to master Edit: just seen the price of a Second hand one on eBay... Cant justify buying one of those on a whim
  17. I'm lucky if I get half an hour in the evening and possibly an hour Saturday morning but that's very rare. I haven't really progressed for ages and it is so frustrating. Also when I do find time I'm guaranteed to fall foul to injury/bike issues/punctures! Oh to be a teenager and have all that time and nowhere else to be!
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